Burg. My Vowes are equall partners with thy Vowes

Talb. But ere we goe, regard this dying Prince, The valiant Duke of Bedford: Come my Lord, We will bestow you in some better place, Fitter for sicknesse, and for crasie age

Bedf. Lord Talbot, doe not so dishonour me: Here will I sit, before the Walls of Roan, And will be partner of your weale or woe

Burg. Couragious Bedford, let vs now perswade you

Bedf. Not to be gone from hence: for once I read, That stout Pendragon, in his Litter sick, Came to the field, and vanquished his foes. Me thinkes I should reuiue the Souldiors hearts, Because I euer found them as my selfe

Talb. Vndaunted spirit in a dying breast, Then be it so: Heauens keepe old Bedford safe. And now no more adoe, braue Burgonie, But gather we our Forces out of hand, And set vpon our boasting Enemie. Enter.

An Alarum: Excursions. Enter Sir Iohn Falstaffe, and a Captaine.

Capt. Whither away Sir Iohn Falstaffe, in such haste? Falst. Whither away? to saue my selfe by flight, We are like to haue the ouerthrow againe

Capt. What? will you flye, and leaue Lord Talbot? Falst. I, all the Talbots in the World, to saue my life. Enter.

Capt. Cowardly Knight, ill fortune follow thee. Enter.

Retreat. Excursions. Pucell, Alanson, and Charles flye.

Bedf. Now quiet Soule, depart when Heauen please, For I haue seene our Enemies ouerthrow. What is the trust or strength of foolish man? They that of late were daring with their scoffes, Are glad and faine by flight to saue themselues.

Bedford dyes, and is carryed in by two in his Chaire.

An Alarum. Enter Talbot, Burgonie, and the rest.

Talb. Lost, and recouered in a day againe, This is a double Honor, Burgonie: Yet Heauens haue glory for this Victorie

Burg. Warlike and Martiall Talbot, Burgonie Inshrines thee in his heart, and there erects Thy noble Deeds, as Valors Monuments

Talb. Thanks gentle Duke: but where is Pucel now? I thinke her old Familiar is asleepe. Now where's the Bastards braues, and Charles his glikes? What all amort? Roan hangs her head for griefe, That such a valiant Company are fled. Now will we take some order in the Towne, Placing therein some expert Officers, And then depart to Paris, to the King, For there young Henry with his Nobles lye

Burg. What wills Lord Talbot, pleaseth Burgonie

Talb. But yet before we goe, let's not forget The Noble Duke of Bedford, late deceas'd, But see his Exequies fulfill'd in Roan. A brauer Souldier neuer couched Launce, A gentler Heart did neuer sway in Court. But Kings and mightiest Potentates must die, For that's the end of humane miserie.


Scaena Tertia.

Enter Charles, Bastard, Alanson, Pucell.

Pucell. Dismay not (Princes) at this accident, Nor grieue that Roan is so recouered: Care is no cure, but rather corrosiue, For things that are not to be remedy'd. Let frantike Talbot triumph for a while, And like a Peacock sweepe along his tayle, Wee'le pull his Plumes, and take away his Trayne, If Dolphin and the rest will be but rul'd

Charles. We haue been guided by thee hitherto, And of thy Cunning had no diffidence, One sudden Foyle shall neuer breed distrust

Bastard. Search out thy wit for secret pollicies, And we will make thee famous through the World

Alans. Wee'le set thy Statue in some holy place, And haue thee reuerenc't like a blessed Saint. Employ thee then, sweet Virgin, for our good

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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