Qu. Go tell this heauy Message to the King.


Aye me! What is this World? What newes are these? But wherefore greeue I at an houres poore losse, Omitting Suffolkes exile, my soules Treasure? Why onely Suffolke mourne I not for thee? And with the Southerne clouds, contend in teares? Theirs for the earths encrease, mine for my sorrowes. Now get thee hence, the King thou know'st is comming, If thou be found by me, thou art but dead

Suf. If I depart from thee, I cannot liue, And in thy sight to dye, what were it else, But like a pleasant slumber in thy lap? Heere could I breath my soule into the ayre, As milde and gentle as the Cradle-babe, Dying with mothers dugge betweene it's lips. Where from thy sight, I should be raging mad, And cry out for thee to close vp mine eyes: To haue thee with thy lippes to stop my mouth: So should'st thou eyther turne my flying soule, Or I should breathe it so into thy body, And then it liu'd in sweete Elizium. To dye by thee, were but to dye in iest, From thee to dye, were torture more then death: Oh let me stay, befall what may befall

Queen. Away: Though parting be a fretfull corosiue, It is applyed to a deathfull wound. To France sweet Suffolke: Let me heare from thee: For wheresoere thou art in this worlds Globe, Ile haue an Iris that shall finde thee out

Suf. I go

Qu. And take my heart with thee

Suf. A Iewell lockt into the wofulst Caske, That euer did containe a thing of worth, Euen as a splitted Barke, so sunder we: This way fall I to death

Qu. This way for me.


Enter the King, Salisbury, and Warwicke, to the Cardinal in bed.

King. How fare's my Lord? Speake Beauford to thy Soueraigne

Ca. If thou beest death, Ile giue thee Englands Treasure, Enough to purchase such another Island, So thou wilt let me liue, and feele no paine

King. Ah, what a signe it is of euill life, Where death's approach is seene so terrible

War. Beauford, it is thy Soueraigne speakes to thee

Beau. Bring me vnto my Triall when you will. Dy'de he not in his bed? Where should he dye? Can I make men liue where they will or no? Oh torture me no more, I will confesse. Aliue againe? Then shew me where he is, Ile giue a thousand pound to looke vpon him. He hath no eyes, the dust hath blinded them. Combe downe his haire; looke, looke, it stands vpright, Like Lime-twigs set to catch my winged soule: Giue me some drinke, and bid the Apothecarie Bring the strong poyson that I bought of him

King. Oh thou eternall mouer of the heauens, Looke with a gentle eye vpon this Wretch, Oh beate away the busie medling Fiend, That layes strong siege vnto this wretches soule, And from his bosome purge this blacke dispaire

War. See how the pangs of death do make him grin

Sal. Disturbe him not, let him passe peaceably

King. Peace to his soule, if Gods good pleasure be. Lord Card'nall, if thou think'st on heauens blisse, Hold vp thy hand, make signall of thy hope. He dies and makes no signe: Oh God forgiue him

War. So bad a death, argues a monstrous life

King. Forbeare to iudge, for we are sinners all. Close vp his eyes, and draw the Curtaine close, And let vs all to Meditation.


Alarum. Fight at Sea. Ordnance goes off.

Enter Lieutenant, Suffolke, and others.

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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