Corio. Now as I liue, I will. My Nobler friends, I craue their pardons: For the mutable ranke-sented Meynie, Let them regard me, as I doe not flatter, And therein behold themselues: I say againe, In soothing them, we nourish 'gainst our Senate The Cockle of Rebellion, Insolence, Sedition, Which we our selues haue plowed for, sow'd, & scatter'd, By mingling them with vs, the honor'd Number, Who lack not Vertue, no, nor Power, but that Which they haue giuen to Beggers

Mene. Well, no more

Senat. No more words, we beseech you

Corio. How? no more? As for my Country, I haue shed my blood, Not fearing outward force: So shall my Lungs Coine words till their decay, against those Meazels Which we disdaine should Tetter vs, yet sought The very way to catch them

Bru. You speake a'th' people, as if you were a God, To punish; Not a man, of their Infirmity

Sicin. 'Twere well we let the people know't

Mene. What, what? His Choller? Cor. Choller? Were I as patient as the midnight sleep, By Ioue, 'twould be my minde

Sicin. It is a minde that shall remain a poison Where it is: not poyson any further

Corio. Shall remaine? Heare you this Triton of the Minnoues? Marke you His absolute Shall? Com. 'Twas from the Cannon

Cor. Shall? O God! but most vnwise Patricians: why You graue, but wreaklesse Senators, haue you thus Giuen Hidra heere to choose an Officer, That with his peremptory Shall, being but The horne, and noise o'th' Monsters, wants not spirit To say, hee'l turne your Current in a ditch, And make your Channell his? If he haue power, Then vale your Ignorance: If none, awake Your dangerous Lenity: If you are Learn'd, Be not as common Fooles; if you are not, Let them haue Cushions by you. You are Plebeians, If they be Senators: and they are no lesse, When both your voices blended, the great'st taste Most pallates theirs. They choose their Magistrate, And such a one as he, who puts his Shall, His popular Shall, against a grauer Bench Then euer frown'd in Greece. By Ioue himselfe, It makes the Consuls base; and my Soule akes To know, when two Authorities are vp, Neither Supreame; How soone Confusion May enter 'twixt the gap of Both, and take The one by th' other

Com. Well, on to'th' Market place

Corio. Who euer gaue that Counsell, to giue forth The Corne a'th' Store-house gratis, as 'twas vs'd Sometime in Greece

Mene. Well, well, no more of that

Cor. Thogh there the people had more absolute powre I say they norisht disobedience: fed, the ruin of the State

Bru. Why shall the people giue One that speakes thus, their voyce? Corio. Ile giue my Reasons, More worthier then their Voyces. They know the Corne Was not our recompence, resting well assur'd They ne're did seruice for't; being prest to'th' Warre, Euen when the Nauell of the State was touch'd, They would not thred the Gates: This kinde of Seruice Did not deserue Corne gratis. Being i'th' Warre, There Mutinies and Reuolts, wherein they shew'd Most Valour spoke not for them. Th' Accusation Which they haue often made against the Senate, All cause vnborne, could neuer be the Natiue Of our so franke Donation. Well, what then? How shall this Bosome-multiplied, digest The Senates Courtesie? Let deeds expresse What's like to be their words, We did request it, We are the greater pole, and in true feare They gaue vs our demands. Thus we debase The Nature of our Seats, and make the Rabble Call our Cares, Feares; which will in time Breake ope the Lockes a'th' Senate, and bring in The Crowes to pecke the Eagles

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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