KING EDWARD. Aye, well thou hast deserved a knighthood, Ned! And, therefore, with thy sword, yet reaking warm

[His Sword borne by a Soldier.]

With blood of those that fought to be thy bane. Arise, Prince Edward, trusty knight at arms: This day thou hast confounded me with joy, And proud thy self fit heir unto a king.

PRINCE EDWARD. Here is a note, my gracious Lord, of those That in this conflict of our foes were slain: Eleven Princes of esteem, Four score Barons, A hundred and twenty knights, and thirty thousand Common soldiers; and, of our men, a thousand.

KING EDWARD. Our God be praised! Now, John of France, I hope, Thou knowest King Edward for no wantoness, No love sick cockney, nor his soldiers jades. But which way is the fearful king escaped?

PRINCE EDWARD. Towards Poitiers, noble father, and his sons.

KING EDWARD. Ned, thou and Audley shall pursue them still; My self and Derby will to Calice straight, And there be begirt that Haven town with siege. Now lies it on an upshot; therefore strike, And wistly follow, whiles the game's on foot. What Picture's this?

PRINCE EDWARD. A Pelican, my Lord, Wounding her bosom with her crooked beak, That so her nest of young ones may be fed With drops of blood that issue from her heart; The motto Sic & vos, 'and so should you'.


ACT IV. SCENE I. Bretagne. Camp of the English.

[Enter Lord Mountford with a Coronet in his hand; with him the Earl of Salisbury.]

MOUNTFORD. My Lord of Salisbury, since by your aide Mine enemy Sir Charles of Blois is slain, And I again am quietly possessed In Brittain's Dukedom, know that I resolve, For this kind furtherance of your king and you, To swear allegiance to his majesty: In sign whereof receive this Coronet, Bear it unto him, and, withal, mine oath, Never to be but Edward's faithful friend.

SALISBURY. I take it, Mountfort. Thus, I hope, ere long The whole Dominions of the Realm of France Will be surrendered to his conquering hand.

[Exit Mountford.]

Now, if I knew but safely how to pass, I would at Calice gladly meet his Grace, Whether I am by letters certified That he intends to have his host removed. It shall be so, this policy will serve:-- Ho, whose within? Bring Villiers to me.

[Enter Villiers.]

Villiers, thou knowest, thou art my prisoner, And that I might for ransom, if I would, Require of thee a hundred thousand Francs, Or else retain and keep thee captive still: But so it is, that for a smaller charge Thou maist be quit, and if thou wilt thy self. And this it is: Procure me but a passport Of Charles, the Duke of Normandy, that I Without restraint may have recourse to Callis Through all the Countries where he hath to do; Which thou maist easily obtain, I think, By reason I have often heard thee say, He and thou were students once together: And then thou shalt be set at liberty. How saiest thou? wilt thou undertake to do it?

VILLIERS. I will, my Lord; but I must speak with him.

SALISBURY. Why, so thou shalt; take Horse, and post from hence: Only before thou goest, swear by thy faith, That, if thou canst not compass my desire, Thou wilt return my prisoner back again; And that shall be sufficient warrant for me.

VILLIERS. To that condition I agree, my Lord, And will unfainedly perform the same.


SALISBURY. Farewell, Villiers.-- Thus once i mean to try a French man's faith.


ACT IV. SCENE II. Picardy. The English Camp before Calais.

[Enter King Edward and Derby, with Soldiers.]

KING EDWARD. Since they refuse our proffered league, my Lord, And will not ope their gates, and let us in, We will intrench our selves on every side, That neither vituals nor supply of men May come to succour this accursed town: Famine shall combat where our swords are stopped.

[Enter six poor Frenchmen.]

DERBY. The promised aid, that made them stand aloof, Is now retired and gone an other way: It will repent them of their stubborn will. But what are these poor ragged slaves, my Lord?

KING EDWARD. Ask what they are; it seems, they come from Callis.

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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