Bo. Belonging to whom? La. To my fortunes and me
Prin. Good wits wil be iangling, but gentles agree. This ciuill warre of wits were much better vsed On Nauar and his bookemen, for heere 'tis abus'd
Bo. If my obseruation (which very seldome lies By the hearts still rhetoricke, disclosed with eyes) Deceiue me not now, Nauar is infected
Prin. With what? Bo. With that which we Louers intitle affected
Prin. Your reason
Bo. Why all his behauiours doe make their retire, To the court of his eye, peeping thorough desire. His hart like an Agot with your print impressed, Proud with his forme, in his eie pride expressed. His tongue all impatient to speake and not see, Did stumble with haste in his eie-sight to be, All sences to that sence did make their repaire, To feele onely looking on fairest of faire: Me thought all his sences were lockt in his eye, As Iewels in Christall for some Prince to Buy. Who tendring their own worth from whence they were glast, Did point out to buy them along as you past. His faces owne margent did coate such amazes, That all eyes saw his eies inchanted with gazes. Ile giue you Aquitaine, and all that is his, And you giue him for my sake, but one louing Kisse
Prin. Come to our Pauillion, Boyet is disposde
Bro. But to speak that in words, which his eie hath disclos'd. I onelie haue made a mouth of his eie, By adding a tongue, which I know will not lie
Lad.Ro. Thou art an old Loue-monger, and speakest skilfully
Lad.Ma. He is Cupids Grandfather, and learnes news of him
Lad.2. Then was Venus like her mother, for her father is but grim
Boy. Do you heare my mad wenches? La.1. No
Boy. What then, do you see? Lad.2. I, our way to be gone
Boy. You are too hard for me.
Exeunt. omnes.