Ang. The Law hath not bin dead, thogh it hath slept Those many had not dar'd to doe that euill If the first, that did th' Edict infringe Had answer'd for his deed. Now 'tis awake, Takes note of what is done, and like a Prophet Lookes in a glasse that shewes what future euils Either now, or by remissenesse, new conceiu'd, And so in progresse to be hatch'd, and borne, Are now to haue no successiue degrees, But here they liue to end
Isab. Yet shew some pittie
Ang. I shew it most of all, when I show Iustice; For then I pittie those I doe not know, Which a dismis'd offence, would after gaule And doe him right, that answering one foule wrong Liues not to act another. Be satisfied; Your Brother dies to morrow; be content
Isab. So you must be y first that giues this sentence, And hee, that suffers: Oh, it is excellent To haue a Giants strength: but it is tyrannous To vse it like a Giant
Luc. That's well said
Isab. Could great men thunder As Ioue himselfe do's, Ioue would neuer be quiet, For euery pelting petty Officer Would vse his heauen for thunder; Nothing but thunder: Mercifull heauen, Thou rather with thy sharpe and sulpherous bolt Splits the vn-wedgable and gnarled Oke, Then the soft Mertill: But man, proud man, Drest in a little briefe authoritie, Most ignorant of what he's most assur'd, (His glassie Essence) like an angry Ape Plaies such phantastique tricks before high heauen, As makes the Angels weepe: who with our spleenes, Would all themselues laugh mortall
Luc. Oh, to him, to him wench: he will relent, Hee's comming: I perceiue't
Pro. Pray heauen she win him
Isab. We cannot weigh our brother with our selfe, Great men may iest with Saints: tis wit in them, But in the lesse fowle prophanation
Luc. Thou'rt i'th right (Girle) more o'that
Isab. That in the Captaine's but a chollericke word, Which in the Souldier is flat blasphemie
Luc. Art auis'd o'that? more on't
Ang. Why doe you put these sayings vpon me? Isab. Because Authoritie, though it erre like others, Hath yet a kinde of medicine in it selfe That skins the vice o'th top; goe to your bosome, Knock there, and aske your heart what it doth know That's like my brothers fault: if it confesse A naturall guiltinesse, such as is his, Let it not sound a thought vpon your tongue Against my brothers life
Ang. Shee speakes, and 'tis such sence That my Sence breeds with it; fare you well
Isab. Gentle my Lord, turne backe
Ang. I will bethinke me: come againe to morrow
Isa. Hark, how Ile bribe you: good my Lord turn back
Ang. How? bribe me? Is. I, with such gifts that heauen shall share with you
Luc. You had mar'd all else
Isab. Not with fond Sickles of the tested-gold, Or Stones, whose rate are either rich, or poore As fancie values them: but with true prayers, That shall be vp at heauen, and enter there Ere Sunne rise: prayers from preserued soules, From fasting Maides, whose mindes are dedicate To nothing temporall
Ang. Well: come to me to morrow
Luc. Goe to: 'tis well; away
Isab. Heauen keepe your honour safe
Ang. Amen. For I am that way going to temptation, Where prayers crosse
Isab. At what hower to morrow, Shall I attend your Lordship? Ang. At any time 'fore-noone