Leon. Indeed he lookes yonger than hee did, by the losse of a beard
Prin. Nay a rubs himselfe with Ciuit, can you smell him out by that? Clau. That's as much as to say, the sweet youth's in loue
Prin. The greatest note of it is his melancholy
Clau. And when was he wont to wash his face? Prin. Yea, or to paint himselfe? for the which I heare what they say of him
Clau. Nay, but his iesting spirit, which is now crept into a lute-string, and now gouern'd by stops
Prin. Indeed that tels a heauy tale for him: conclude, he is in loue
Clau. Nay, but I know who loues him
Prince. That would I know too, I warrant one that knowes him not
Cla. Yes, and his ill conditions, and in despight of all, dies for him
Prin. Shee shall be buried with her face vpwards
Bene. Yet is this no charme for the tooth-ake, old signior, walke aside with mee, I haue studied eight or nine wise words to speake to you, which these hobby-horses must not heare
Prin. For my life to breake with him about Beatrice
Clau. 'Tis euen so, Hero and Margaret haue by this played their parts with Beatrice, and then the two Beares will not bite one another when they meete. Enter Iohn the Bastard.
Bast. My Lord and brother, God saue you
Prin. Good den brother
Bast. If your leisure seru'd, I would speake with you
Prince. In priuate? Bast. If it please you, yet Count Claudio may heare, for what I would speake of, concernes him
Prin. What's the matter? Basta. Meanes your Lordship to be married to morrow? Prin. You know he does
Bast. I know not that when he knowes what I know
Clau. If there be any impediment, I pray you discouer it
Bast. You may thinke I loue you not, let that appeare hereafter, and ayme better at me by that I now will manifest, for my brother (I thinke, he holds you well, and in dearenesse of heart) hath holpe to effect your ensuing marriage: surely sute ill spent, and labour ill bestowed
Prin. Why, what's the matter? Bastard. I came hither to tell you, and circumstances shortned, (for she hath beene too long a talking of) the Lady is disloyall
Clau. Who Hero? Bast. Euen shee, Leonatoes Hero, your Hero, euery mans Hero
Clau. Disloyall? Bast. The word is too good to paint out her wickednesse, I could say she were worse, thinke you of a worse title, and I will fit her to it: wonder not till further warrant: goe but with mee to night, you shal see her chamber window entred, euen the night before her wedding day, if you loue her, then to morrow wed her: But it would better fit your honour to change your minde
Claud. May this be so? Princ. I will not thinke it
Bast. If you dare not trust that you see, confesse not that you know: if you will follow mee, I will shew you enough, and when you haue seene more, & heard more, proceed accordingly
Clau. If I see any thing to night, why I should not marry her to morrow in the congregation, where I shold wedde, there will I shame her
Prin. And as I wooed for thee to obtaine her, I will ioyne with thee to disgrace her
Bast. I will disparage her no farther, till you are my witnesses, beare it coldly but till night, and let the issue shew it selfe
Prin. O day vntowardly turned! Claud. O mischiefe strangelie thwarting! Bastard. O plague right well preuented! so will you say, when you haue seene the sequele. Enter.