Fri. St. Francis be my speed, how oft to night Haue my old feet stumbled at graues? Who's there? Man. Here's one, a Friend, & one that knowes you well
Fri. Blisse be vpon you. Tell me good my Friend What Torch is yond that vainely lends his light To grubs, and eyelesse Sculles? As I discerne, It burneth in the Capels Monument
Man. It doth so holy sir, And there's my Master, one that you loue
Fri. Who is it? Man. Romeo
Fri. How long hath he bin there? Man. Full halfe an houre
Fri. Go with me to the Vault
Man. I dare not Sir. My Master knowes not but I am gone hence, And fearefully did menace me with death, If I did stay to looke on his entents
Fri. Stay, then Ile go alone, feares comes vpon me. O much I feare some ill vnluckie thing
Man. As I did sleepe vnder this young tree here, I dreamt my maister and another fought, And that my Maister slew him
Fri. Romeo. Alacke, alacke, what blood is this which staines The stony entrance of this Sepulcher? What meane these Masterlesse, and goarie Swords To lie discolour'd by this place of peace? Romeo, oh pale: who else? what Paris too? And steept in blood? Ah what an vnkind houre Is guiltie of this lamentable chance? The Lady stirs
Iul. O comfortable Frier, where's my Lord? I do remember well where I should be: And there I am, where is my Romeo? Fri. I heare some noyse Lady, come from that nest Of death, contagion, and vnnaturall sleepe, A greater power then we can contradict Hath thwarted our entents, come, come away, Thy husband in thy bosome there lies dead: And Paris too: come Ile dispose of thee, Among a Sisterhood of holy Nunnes: Stay not to question, for the watch is comming. Come, go good Iuliet, I dare no longer stay. Enter.
Iul. Go get thee hence, for I will not away, What's here, A cup clos'd in my true loues hand? Poyson I see hath bin his timelesse end O churle, drinke all? and left no friendly drop, To helpe me after, I will kisse thy lips, Happlie some poyson yet doth hang on them, To make me die with a restoratiue. Thy lips are warme. Enter Boy and Watch.
Watch. Lead Boy, which way? Iul. Yea noise? Then ile be briefe. O happy Dagger. 'Tis in thy sheath, there rust and let me die.
Kils herselfe.
Boy. This is the place, There where the Torch doth burne Watch. The ground is bloody, Search about the Churchyard. Go some of you, who ere you find attach. Pittifull sight, here lies the Countie slaine, And Iuliet bleeding, warme and newly dead Who here hath laine these two dayes buried. Go tell the Prince, runne to the Capulets, Raise vp the Mountagues, some others search, We see the ground whereon these woes do lye, But the true ground of all these piteous woes, We cannot without circumstance descry. Enter Romeo's man.
Watch. Here's Romeo's man, We found him in the Churchyard
Con. Hold him in safety, till the Prince come hither. Enter Frier, and another Watchman.
3.Wat. Here is a Frier that trembles, sighes, and weepes We tooke this Mattocke and this Spade from him, As he was comming from this Church-yard side
Con. A great suspition, stay the Frier too. Enter the Prince.
Prin. What misaduenture is so earely vp, That calls our person from our mornings rest? Enter Capulet and his Wife.
Cap. What should it be that they so shrike abroad? Wife. O the people in the streete crie Romeo. Some Iuliet, and some Paris, and all runne With open outcry toward our Monument