E.Dro. So come helpe, well strooke, there was blow for blow
Anti. Thou baggage let me in
Luce. Can you tell for whose sake? E.Drom. Master, knocke the doore hard
Luce. Let him knocke till it ake
Anti. You'll crie for this minion, if I beat the doore downe
Luce. What needs all that, and a paire of stocks in the towne?
Enter Adriana.
Adr. Who is that at the doore y keeps all this noise? S.Dro. By my troth your towne is troubled with vnruly boies
Anti. Are you there Wife? you might haue come before
Adri. Your wife sir knaue? go get you from the dore
E.Dro. If you went in paine Master, this knaue wold goe sore
Angelo. Heere is neither cheere sir, nor welcome, we would faine haue either
Baltz. In debating which was best, wee shall part with neither
E.Dro. They stand at the doore, Master, bid them welcome hither
Anti. There is something in the winde, that we cannot get in
E.Dro. You would say so Master, if your garments were thin. Your cake here is warme within: you stand here in the cold. It would make a man mad as a Bucke to be so bought and sold
Ant. Go fetch me something, Ile break ope the gate
S.Dro. Breake any breaking here, and Ile breake your knaues pate
E.Dro. A man may breake a word with your sir, and words are but winde: I and breake it in your face, so he break it not behinde
S.Dro. It seemes thou want'st breaking, out vpon thee hinde
E.Dro. Here's too much out vpon thee, I pray thee let me in
S.Dro. I, when fowles haue no feathers, and fish haue no fin
Ant. Well, Ile breake in: go borrow me a crow
E.Dro. A crow without feather, Master meane you so; For a fish without a finne, ther's a fowle without a fether, If a crow help vs in sirra, wee'll plucke a crow together
Ant. Go, get thee gon, fetch me an iron Crow
Balth. Haue patience sir, oh let it not be so, Heerein you warre against your reputation, And draw within the compasse of suspect Th' vnuiolated honor of your wife. Once this your long experience of your wisedome, Her sober vertue, yeares, and modestie, Plead on your part some cause to you vnknowne; And doubt not sir, but she will well excuse Why at this time the dores are made against you. Be rul'd by me, depart in patience, And let vs to the Tyger all to dinner, And about euening come your selfe alone, To know the reason of this strange restraint: If by strong hand you offer to breake in Now in the stirring passage of the day, A vulgar comment will be made of it; And that supposed by the common rowt Against your yet vngalled estimation, That may with foule intrusion enter in, And dwell vpon your graue when you are dead; For slander liues vpon succession: For euer hows'd, where it gets possession
Anti. You haue preuail'd, I will depart in quiet, And in despight of mirth meane to be merrie: I know a wench of excellent discourse, Prettie and wittie; wilde, and yet too gentle; There will we dine: this woman that I meane My wife (but I protest without desert) Hath oftentimes vpbraided me withall: To her will we to dinner, get you home And fetch the chaine, by this I know 'tis made, Bring it I pray you to the Porpentine, For there's the house: That chaine will I bestow (Be it for nothing but to spight my wife) Vpon mine hostesse there, good sir make haste: Since mine owne doores refuse to entertaine me, Ile knocke else-where, to see if they'll disdaine me