Heere comes my Man, I thinke he brings the monie. How now sir? Haue you that I sent you for? E.Dro. Here's that I warrant you will pay them all
Anti. But where's the Money? E.Dro. Why sir, I gaue the Monie for the Rope
Ant. Fiue hundred Duckets villaine for a rope? E.Dro. Ile serue you sir fiue hundred at the rate
Ant. To what end did I bid thee hie thee home? E.Dro. To a ropes end sir, and to that end am I return'd
Ant. And to that end sir, I will welcome you
Offi. Good sir be patient
E.Dro. Nay 'tis for me to be patient, I am in aduersitie
Offi. Good now hold thy tongue
E.Dro. Nay, rather perswade him to hold his hands
Anti. Thou whoreson senselesse Villaine
E.Dro. I would I were senselesse sir, that I might not feele your blowes
Anti. Thou art sensible in nothing but blowes, and so is an Asse
E.Dro. I am an Asse indeede, you may prooue it by my long eares. I haue serued him from the houre of my Natiuitie to this instant, and haue nothing at his hands for my seruice but blowes. When I am cold, he heates me with beating: when I am warme, he cooles me with beating: I am wak'd with it when I sleepe, rais'd with it when I sit, driuen out of doores with it when I goe from home, welcom'd home with it when I returne, nay I beare it on my shoulders, as a begger woont her brat: and I thinke when he hath lam'd me, I shall begge with it from doore to doore.
Enter Adriana, Luciana, Courtizan, and a Schoolemaster, call'd Pinch.
Ant. Come goe along, my wife is comming yonder
E.Dro. Mistris respice finem, respect your end, or rather the prophesie like the Parrat, beware the ropes end
Anti. Wilt thou still talke?
Beats Dro.
Curt. How say you now? Is not your husband mad? Adri. His inciuility confirmes no lesse: Good Doctor Pinch, you are a Coniurer, Establish him in his true sence againe, And I will please you what you will demand
Luc. Alas how fiery, and how sharpe he lookes
Cur. Marke, how he trembles in his extasie
Pinch. Giue me your hand, and let mee feele your pulse
Ant. There is my hand, and let it feele your eare
Pinch. I charge thee Sathan, hous'd within this man, To yeeld possession to my holie praiers, And to thy state of darknesse hie thee straight, I coniure thee by all the Saints in heauen
Anti. Peace doting wizard, peace; I am not mad
Adr. Oh that thou wer't not, poore distressed soule
Anti. You Minion you, are these your Customers? Did this Companion with the saffron face Reuell and feast it at my house to day, Whil'st vpon me the guiltie doores were shut, And I denied to enter in my house
Adr. O husband, God doth know you din'd at home Where would you had remain'd vntill this time, Free from these slanders, and this open shame
Anti. Din'd at home? Thou Villaine, what sayest thou? Dro. Sir sooth to say, you did not dine at home
Ant. Were not my doores lockt vp, and I shut out? Dro. Perdie, your doores were lockt, and you shut out
Anti. And did not she her selfe reuile me there? Dro. Sans Fable, she her selfe reuil'd you there
Anti. Did not her Kitchen maide raile, taunt, and scorne me? Dro. Certis she did, the kitchin vestall scorn'd you