1.Seru. Content, Ile to the Surgeons

2.Seru. And so will I

3.Seru. And I will see what Physick the Tauerne affords.


Warw. Accept this Scrowle, most gracious Soueraigne, Which in the Right of Richard Plantagenet, We doe exhibite to your Maiestie

Glo. Well vrg'd, my Lord of Warwick: for sweet Prince, And if your Grace marke euery circumstance, You haue great reason to doe Richard right, Especially for those occasions At Eltam Place I told your Maiestie

King. And those occasions, Vnckle, were of force: Therefore my louing Lords, our pleasure is, That Richard be restored to his Blood

Warw. Let Richard be restored to his Blood, So shall his Fathers wrongs be recompenc't

Winch. As will the rest, so willeth Winchester

King. If Richard will be true, not that all alone, But all the whole Inheritance I giue, That doth belong vnto the House of Yorke, From whence you spring, by Lineall Descent

Rich. Thy humble seruant vowes obedience, And humble seruice, till the point of death

King. Stoope then, and set your Knee against my Foot, And in reguerdon of that dutie done, I gyrt thee with the valiant Sword of Yorke: Rise Richard, like a true Plantagenet, And rise created Princely Duke of Yorke

Rich. And so thriue Richard, as thy foes may fall, And as my dutie springs, so perish they, That grudge one thought against your Maiesty

All. Welcome high Prince, the mighty Duke of Yorke

Som. Perish base Prince, ignoble Duke of Yorke

Glost. Now will it best auaile your Maiestie, To crosse the Seas, and to be Crown'd in France: The presence of a King engenders loue Amongst his Subiects, and his loyall Friends, As it dis-animates his Enemies

King. When Gloster sayes the word, King Henry goes, For friendly counsaile cuts off many Foes

Glost. Your Ships alreadie are in readinesse.

Senet. Flourish. Exeunt.

Manet Exeter.

Exet. I, we may march in England, or in France, Not seeing what is likely to ensue: This late dissention growne betwixt the Peeres, Burnes vnder fained ashes of forg'd loue, And will at last breake out into a flame, As festred members rot but by degree, Till bones and flesh and sinewes fall away, So will this base and enuious discord breed. And now I feare that fatall Prophecie, Which in the time of Henry, nam'd the Fift, Was in the mouth of euery sucking Babe, That Henry borne at Monmouth should winne all, And Henry borne at Windsor, loose all: Which is so plaine, that Exeter doth wish, His dayes may finish, ere that haplesse time. Enter.

Scoena Secunda.

Enter Pucell disguis'd, with foure Souldiors with Sacks vpon their backs.

Pucell. These are the Citie Gates, the Gates of Roan, Through which our Pollicy must make a breach. Take heed, be wary how you place your words, Talke like the vulgar sort of Market men, That come to gather Money for their Corne. If we haue entrance, as I hope we shall, And that we finde the slouthfull Watch but weake, Ile by a signe giue notice to our friends, That Charles the Dolphin may encounter them

Souldier. Our Sacks shall be a meane to sack the City, And we be Lords and Rulers ouer Roan, Therefore wee'le knock.


Watch. Che la

Pucell. Peasauns la pouure gens de Fraunce, Poore Market folkes that come to sell their Corne

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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