Tal. I go my Lord, in heart desiring still You may behold confusion of your foes. Enter Vernon and Bassit.
Ver. Grant me the Combate, gracious Soueraigne
Bas. And me (my Lord) grant me the Combate too
Yorke. This is my Seruant, heare him Noble Prince
Som. And this is mine (sweet Henry) fauour him
King. Be patient Lords, and giue them leaue to speak. Say Gentlemen, what makes you thus exclaime, And wherefore craue you Combate? Or with whom? Ver. With him (my Lord) for he hath done me wrong
Bas. And I with him, for he hath done me wrong
King. What is that wrong, wherof you both complain First let me know, and then Ile answer you
Bas. Crossing the Sea, from England into France, This Fellow heere with enuious carping tongue, Vpbraided me about the Rose I weare, Saying, the sanguine colour of the Leaues Did represent my Masters blushing cheekes: When stubbornly he did repugne the truth, About a certaine question in the Law, Argu'd betwixt the Duke of Yorke, and him: With other vile and ignominious tearmes. In confutation of which rude reproach, And in defence of my Lords worthinesse, I craue the benefit of Law of Armes
Ver. And that is my petition (Noble Lord:) For though he seeme with forged queint conceite To set a glosse vpon his bold intent, Yet know (my Lord) I was prouok'd by him, And he first tooke exceptions at this badge, Pronouncing that the palenesse of this Flower, Bewray'd the faintnesse of my Masters heart
Yorke. Will not this malice Somerset be left? Som. Your priuate grudge my Lord of York, wil out, Though ne're so cunningly you smother it
King. Good Lord, what madnesse rules in brainesicke men, When for so slight and friuolous a cause, Such factious aemulations shall arise? Good Cosins both of Yorke and Somerset, Quiet your selues (I pray) and be at peace
Yorke. Let this dissention first be tried by fight, And then your Highnesse shall command a Peace
Som. The quarrell toucheth none but vs alone, Betwixt our selues let vs decide it then
Yorke. There is my pledge, accept it Somerset
Ver. Nay, let it rest where it began at first
Bass. Confirme it so, mine honourable Lord
Glo. Confirme it so? Confounded be your strife, And perish ye with your audacious prate, Presumptuous vassals, are you not asham'd With this immodest clamorous outrage, To trouble and disturbe the King, and Vs? And you my Lords, me thinkes you do not well To beare with their peruerse Obiections: Much lesse to take occasion from their mouthes, To raise a mutiny betwixt your selues. Let me perswade you take a better course
Exet. It greeues his Highnesse, Good my Lords, be Friends
King. Come hither you that would be Combatants: Henceforth I charge you, as you loue our fauour, Quite to forget this Quarrell, and the cause. And you my Lords: Remember where we are, In France, amongst a fickle wauering Nation: If they perceyue dissention in our lookes, And that within our selues we disagree; How will their grudging stomackes be prouok'd To wilfull Disobedience, and Rebell? Beside, What infamy will there arise, When Forraigne Princes shall be certified, That for a toy, a thing of no regard, King Henries Peeres, and cheefe Nobility, Destroy'd themselues, and lost the Realme of France? Oh thinke vpon the Conquest of my Father, My tender yeares, and let vs not forgoe That for a trifle, that was bought with blood. Let me be Vmper in this doubtfull strife: I see no reason if I weare this Rose, That any one should therefore be suspitious I more incline to Somerset, than Yorke: Both are my kinsmen, and I loue them both. As well they may vpbray'd me with my Crowne, Because (forsooth) the King of Scots is Crown'd. But your discretions better can perswade, Then I am able to instruct or teach: And therefore, as we hither came in peace, So let vs still continue peace, and loue. Cosin of Yorke, we institute your Grace To be our Regent in these parts of France: And good my Lord of Somerset, vnite Your Troopes of horsemen, with his Bands of foote, And like true Subiects, sonnes of your Progenitors, Go cheerefully together, and digest Your angry Choller on your Enemies. Our Selfe, my Lord Protector, and the rest, After some respit, will returne to Calice; From thence to England, where I hope ere long To be presented by your Victories, With Charles, Alanson, and that Traiterous rout.