Mar. Margaret my name, and daughter to a King, The King of Naples, who so ere thou art
Suff. An Earle I am, and Suffolke am I call'd. Be not offended Natures myracle, Thou art alotted to be tane by me: So doth the Swan her downie Signets saue, Keeping them prisoner vnderneath his wings: Yet if this seruile vsage once offend, Go, and be free againe, as Suffolkes friend.
She is going
Oh stay: I haue no power to let her passe, My hand would free her, but my heart sayes no. As playes the Sunne vpon the glassie streames, Twinkling another counterfetted beame, So seemes this gorgeous beauty to mine eyes. Faine would I woe her, yet I dare not speake: Ile call for Pen and Inke, and write my minde: Fye De la Pole, disable not thy selfe: Hast not a Tongue? Is she not heere? Wilt thou be daunted at a Womans sight? I: Beauties Princely Maiesty is such, 'Confounds the tongue, and makes the senses rough
Mar. Say Earle of Suffolke, if thy name be so, What ransome must I pay before I passe? For I perceiue I am thy prisoner
Suf. How canst thou tell she will deny thy suite, Before thou make a triall of her loue? M. Why speak'st thou not? What ransom must I pay? Suf. She's beautifull; and therefore to be Wooed: She is a Woman; therefore to be Wonne
Mar, Wilt thou accept of ransome, yea or no? Suf. Fond man, remember that thou hast a wife, Then how can Margaret be thy Paramour? Mar. I were best to leaue him, for he will not heare
Suf. There all is marr'd: there lies a cooling card
Mar. He talkes at randon: sure the man is mad
Suf. And yet a dispensation may bee had
Mar. And yet I would that you would answer me
Suf. Ile win this Lady Margaret. For whom? Why for my King: Tush, that's a woodden thing
Mar. He talkes of wood: It is some Carpenter
Suf. Yet so my fancy may be satisfied, And peace established betweene these Realmes. But there remaines a scruple in that too: For though her Father be the King of Naples, Duke of Aniou and Mayne, yet is he poore, And our Nobility will scorne the match
Mar. Heare ye Captaine? Are you not at leysure? Suf. It shall be so, disdaine they ne're so much: Henry is youthfull, and will quickly yeeld. Madam, I haue a secret to reueale
Mar. What though I be inthral'd, he seems a knight And will not any way dishonor me
Suf. Lady, vouchsafe to listen what I say
Mar. Perhaps I shall be rescu'd by the French, And then I need not craue his curtesie
Suf. Sweet Madam, giue me hearing in a cause
Mar. Tush, women haue bene captiuate ere now
Suf. Lady, wherefore talke you so? Mar. I cry you mercy, 'tis but Quid for Quo
Suf. Say gentle Princesse, would you not suppose Your bondage happy, to be made a Queene? Mar. To be a Queene in bondage, is more vile, Than is a slaue, in base seruility: For Princes should be free
Suf. And so shall you, If happy Englands Royall King be free
Mar. Why what concernes his freedome vnto mee? Suf. Ile vndertake to make thee Henries Queene, To put a Golden Scepter in thy hand, And set a precious Crowne vpon thy head, If thou wilt condiscend to be my- Mar. What? Suf. His loue
Mar. I am vnworthy to be Henries wife
Suf. No gentle Madam, I vnworthy am To woe so faire a Dame to be his wife, And haue no portion in the choice my selfe. How say you Madam, are ye so content? Mar. And if my Father please, I am content