Oldm. Most Noble Lord, Pawne me to this your Honour, she is his
Tim. My hand to thee, Mine Honour on my promise
Luc. Humbly I thanke your Lordship, neuer may That state or Fortune fall into my keeping, Which is not owed to you.
Poet. Vouchsafe my Labour, And long liue your Lordship
Tim. I thanke you, you shall heare from me anon: Go not away. What haue you there, my Friend? Pain. A peece of Painting, which I do beseech Your Lordship to accept
Tim. Painting is welcome. The Painting is almost the Naturall man: For since Dishonor Traffickes with mans Nature, He is but out-side: These Pensil'd Figures are Euen such as they giue out. I like your worke, And you shall finde I like it; Waite attendance Till you heare further from me
Pain. The Gods preserue ye
Tim. Well fare you Gentleman: giue me your hand. We must needs dine together: sir your Iewell Hath suffered vnder praise
Iewel. What my Lord, dispraise? Tim. A meere saciety of Commendations, If I should pay you for't as 'tis extold, It would vnclew me quite
Iewel. My Lord, 'tis rated As those which sell would giue: but you well know, Things of like valew differing in the Owners, Are prized by their Masters. Beleeu't deere Lord, You mend the Iewell by the wearing it
Tim. Well mock'd. Enter Apermantus.
Mer. No my good Lord, he speakes y common toong Which all men speake with him
Tim. Looke who comes heere, will you be chid? Iewel. Wee'l beare with your Lordship
Mer. Hee'l spare none
Tim. Good morrow to thee, Gentle Apermantus
Ape. Till I be gentle, stay thou for thy good morrow. When thou art Timons dogge, and these Knaues honest
Tim. Why dost thou call them Knaues, thou know'st them not? Ape. Are they not Athenians? Tim. Yes
Ape. Then I repent not
Iew. You know me, Apemantus? Ape. Thou know'st I do, I call'd thee by thy name
Tim. Thou art proud Apemantus? Ape. Of nothing so much, as that I am not like Timon Tim. Whether art going? Ape. To knocke out an honest Athenians braines
Tim. That's a deed thou't dye for
Ape. Right, if doing nothing be death by th' Law
Tim. How lik'st thou this picture Apemantus? Ape. The best, for the innocence
Tim. Wrought he not well that painted it
Ape. He wrought better that made the Painter, and yet he's but a filthy peece of worke
Pain. Y'are a Dogge
Ape. Thy Mothers of my generation: what's she, if I be a Dogge? Tim. Wilt dine with me Apemantus? Ape. No: I eate not Lords
Tim. And thou should'st, thoud'st anger Ladies
Ape. O they eate Lords; So they come by great bellies
Tim. That's a lasciuious apprehension
Ape. So, thou apprehend'st it, Take it for thy labour
Tim. How dost thou like this Iewell, Apemantus? Ape. Not so well as plain-dealing, which wil not cast a man a Doit
Tim. What dost thou thinke 'tis worth? Ape. Not worth my thinking. How now Poet? Poet. How now Philosopher? Ape. Thou lyest
Poet. Art not one? Ape. Yes
Poet. Then I lye not
Ape. Art not a Poet? Poet. Yes
Ape. Then thou lyest: Looke in thy last worke, where thou hast feign'd him a worthy Fellow
Poet. That's not feign'd, he is so
Ape. Yes he is worthy of thee, and to pay thee for thy labour. He that loues to be flattered, is worthy o'th flatterer. Heauens, that I were a Lord