Enter Warwicke, Gloucester, Clarence.

King. Warwicke, Gloucester, Clarence

Clar. Doth the King call? War. What would your Maiestie? how fares your Grace? King. Why did you leaue me here alone (my Lords?) Cla. We left the Prince (my Brother) here (my Liege) Who vndertooke to sit and watch by you

King. The Prince of Wales? where is hee? let mee see him

War. This doore is open, hee is gone this way

Glo. Hee came not through the Chamber where wee stayd

King. Where is the Crowne? who tooke it from my Pillow? War. When wee with-drew (my Liege) wee left it heere

King. The Prince hath ta'ne it hence: Goe seeke him out. Is hee so hastie, that hee doth suppose My sleepe, my death? Finde him (my Lord of Warwick) Chide him hither: this part of his conioynes With my disease, and helpes to end me. See Sonnes, what things you are: How quickly Nature falls into reuolt, When Gold becomes her Obiect? For this, the foolish ouer-carefull Fathers Haue broke their sleepes with thoughts, Their braines with care, their bones with industry. For this, they haue ingrossed and pyl'd vp The canker'd heapes of strange-atchieued Gold: For this, they haue beene thoughtfull, to inuest Their Sonnes with Arts, and Martiall Exercises: When, like the Bee, culling from euery flower The vertuous Sweetes, our Thighes packt with Wax, Our Mouthes with Honey, wee bring it to the Hiue; And like the Bees, are murthered for our paines. This bitter taste yeelds his engrossements, To the ending Father. Enter Warwicke.

Now, where is hee, that will not stay so long, Till his Friend Sicknesse hath determin'd me? War. My Lord, I found the Prince in the next Roome, Washing with kindly Teares his gentle Cheekes, With such a deepe demeanure, in great sorrow, That Tyranny, which neuer quafft but blood, Would (by beholding him) haue wash'd his Knife With gentle eye-drops. Hee is comming hither

King. But wherefore did hee take away the Crowne? Enter Prince Henry.

Loe, where hee comes. Come hither to me (Harry.) Depart the Chamber, leaue vs heere alone. Enter.

P.Hen. I neuer thought to heare you speake againe

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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