King. O my Sonne! Heauen put it in thy minde to take it hence, That thou might'st ioyne the more, thy Fathers loue, Pleading so wisely, in excuse of it. Come hither Harrie, sit thou by my bedde, And heare (I thinke, the very latest Counsell That euer I shall breath: Heauen knowes, my Sonne) By what by-pathes, and indirect crook'd-wayes I met this Crowne: and I my selfe know well How troublesome it sate vpon my head. To thee, it shall descend with better Quiet, Better Opinion, better Confirmation: For all the soyle of the Atchieuement goes With me, into the Earth. It seem'd in mee, But as an Honour snatch'd with boyst'rous hand, And I had many liuing, to vpbraide My gaine of it, by their Assistances, Which dayly grew to Quarrell, and to Blood-shed, Wounding supposed Peace. All these bold Feares, Thou seest (with perill) I haue answered: For all my Reigne, hath beene but as a Scene Acting that argument. And now my death Changes the Moode: For what in me, was purchas'd, Falles vpon thee, in a more Fayrer sort. So thou, the Garland wear'st successiuely. Yet, though thou stand'st more sure, then I could do, Thou art not firme enough, since greefes are greene: And all thy Friends, which thou must make thy Friends Haue but their stings, and teeth, newly tak'n out, By whose fell working, I was first aduanc'd, And by whose power, I well might lodge a Feare To be againe displac'd. Which to auoyd, I cut them off: and had a purpose now To leade out many to the Holy Land; Least rest, and lying still, might make them looke Too neere vnto my State. Therefore (my Harrie) Be it thy course to busie giddy Mindes With Forraigne Quarrels: that Action hence borne out, May waste the memory of the former dayes. More would I, but my Lungs are wasted so, That strength of Speech it vtterly deni'de mee. How I came by the Crowne, O heauen forgiue: And grant it may, with thee, in true peace liue

Prince. My gracious Liege: You wonne it, wore it: kept it, gaue it me, Then plaine and right must my possession be; Which I, with more, then with a Common paine, 'Gainst all the World, will rightfully maintaine. Enter Lord Iohn of Lancaster, and Warwicke.

King. Looke, looke, Heere comes my Iohn of Lancaster: Iohn. Health, Peace, and Happinesse, To my Royall Father

King. Thou bring'st me happinesse and Peace (Sonne Iohn:) But health (alacke) with youthfull wings is flowne From this bare, wither'd Trunke. Vpon thy sight My worldly businesse makes a period. Where is my Lord of Warwicke? Prin. My Lord of Warwicke

King. Doth any name particular, belong Vnto the Lodging, where I first did swoon'd? War. 'Tis call'd Ierusalem, my Noble Lord

King. Laud be to heauen: Euen there my life must end. It hath beene prophesi'de to me many yeares, I should not dye, but in Ierusalem: Which (vainly) I suppos'd the Holy-Land. But beare me to that Chamber, there Ile lye: In that Ierusalem, shall Harry dye.


William Shakespeare
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