Beuis. Come and get thee a sword, though made of a Lath, they haue bene vp these two dayes
Hol. They haue the more neede to sleepe now then
Beuis. I tell thee, Iacke Cade the Cloathier, meanes to dresse the Common-wealth and turne it, and set a new nap vpon it
Hol. So he had need, for 'tis thred-bare. Well, I say, it was neuer merrie world in England, since Gentlemen came vp
Beuis. O miserable Age: Vertue is not regarded in Handy-crafts men
Hol. The Nobilitie thinke scorne to goe in Leather Aprons
Beuis. Nay more, the Kings Councell are no good Workemen
Hol. True: and yet it is said, Labour in thy Vocation: which is as much to say, as let the Magistrates be labouring men, and therefore should we be Magistrates
Beuis. Thou hast hit it: for there's no better signe of a braue minde, then a hard hand
Hol. I see them, I see them: There's Bests Sonne, the Tanner of Wingham
Beuis. Hee shall haue the skinnes of our enemies, to make Dogges Leather of
Hol. And Dicke the Butcher
Beuis. Then is sin strucke downe like an Oxe, and iniquities throate cut like a Calfe
Hol. And Smith the Weauer
Beu. Argo, their thred of life is spun
Hol. Come, come, let's fall in with them.
Drumme. Enter Cade, Dicke Butcher, Smith the Weauer, and a Sawyer, with infinite numbers.
Cade. Wee Iohn Cade, so tearm'd of our supposed Father
But. Or rather of stealing a Cade of Herrings
Cade. For our enemies shall faile before vs, inspired with the spirit of putting down Kings and Princes. Command silence
But. Silence
Cade. My Father was a Mortimer
But. He was an honest man, and a good Bricklayer
Cade. My mother a Plantagenet
Butch. I knew her well, she was a Midwife
Cade. My wife descended of the Lacies
But. She was indeed a Pedlers daughter, & sold many Laces
Weauer. But now of late, not able to trauell with her furr'd Packe, she washes buckes here at home
Cade. Therefore am I of an honorable house
But. I by my faith, the field is honourable, and there was he borne, vnder a hedge: for his Father had neuer a house but the Cage
Cade. Valiant I am
Weauer. A must needs, for beggery is valiant
Cade. I am able to endure much
But. No question of that: for I haue seene him whipt three Market dayes together
Cade. I feare neither sword, nor fire
Wea. He neede not feare the sword, for his Coate is of proofe
But. But me thinks he should stand in feare of fire, being burnt i'th hand for stealing of Sheepe
Cade. Be braue then, for your Captaine is Braue, and Vowes Reformation. There shall be in England, seuen halfe peny Loaues sold for a peny: the three hoop'd pot, shall haue ten hoopes, and I wil make it Fellony to drink small Beere. All the Realme shall be in Common, and in Cheapside shall my Palfrey go to grasse: and when I am King, as King I will be
All. God saue your Maiesty
Cade. I thanke you good people. There shall bee no mony, all shall eate and drinke on my score, and I will apparrell them all in one Liuery, that they may agree like Brothers, and worship me their Lord
But. The first thing we do, let's kill all the Lawyers