Ant. I am right glad, that he's so out of hope: Doe not for one repulse forgoe the purpose That you resolu'd t' effect
Seb. The next aduantage will we take throughly
Ant. Let it be to night, For now they are oppress'd with trauaile, they Will not, nor cannot vse such vigilance As when they are fresh.
Solemne and strange Musicke: and Prosper on the top (inuisible:) Enter seuerall strange shapes, bringing in a Banket; and dance about it with gentle actions of salutations, and inuiting the King, &c. to eate, they depart.
Seb. I say to night: no more
Al. What harmony is this? my good friends, harke
Gon. Maruellous sweet Musicke
Alo. Giue vs kind keepers, heaue[n]s: what were these?
Seb. A liuing Drolerie: now I will beleeue That there are Vnicornes: that in Arabia There is one Tree, the Phoenix throne, one Phoenix At this houre reigning there
Ant. Ile beleeue both: And what do's else want credit, come to me And Ile besworne 'tis true: Trauellers nere did lye, Though fooles at home condemne 'em
Gon. If in Naples I should report this now, would they beleeue me? If I should say I saw such Islands; (For certes, these are people of the Island) Who though they are of monstrous shape, yet note Their manners are more gentle, kinde, then of Our humaine generation you shall finde Many, nay almost any
Pro. Honest Lord, Thou hast said well: for some of you there present; Are worse then diuels
Al. I cannot too much muse Such shapes, such gesture, and such sound expressing (Although they want the vse of tongue) a kinde Of excellent dumbe discourse
Pro. Praise in departing
Fr. They vanish'd strangely
Seb. No matter, since They haue left their Viands behinde; for wee haue stomacks. Wilt please you taste of what is here?
Alo. Not I
Gon. Faith Sir, you neede not feare: when wee were Boyes Who would beleeue that there were Mountayneeres, Dew-lapt, like Buls, whose throats had hanging at 'em Wallets of flesh? or that there were such men Whose heads stood in their brests? which now we finde Each putter out of fiue for one, will bring vs Good warrant of
Al. I will stand to, and feede, Although my last, no matter, since I feele The best is past: brother: my Lord, the Duke, Stand too, and doe as we.
Thunder and Lightning. Enter Ariell (like a Harpey) claps his wings vpon the Table, and with a quient deuice the Banquet vanishes.