Plant. 'Twas by Rebellion against his King
Henry. I know not what to say, my Titles weake: Tell me, may not a King adopt an Heire? Plant. What then? Henry. And if he may, then am I lawfull King: For Richard, in the view of many Lords, Resign'd the Crowne to Henry the Fourth, Whose Heire my Father was, and I am his
Plant. He rose against him, being his Soueraigne, And made him to resigne his Crowne perforce
Warw. Suppose, my Lords, he did it vnconstrayn'd, Thinke you 'twere preiudiciall to his Crowne? Exet. No: for he could not so resigne his Crowne, But that the next Heire should succeed and reigne
Henry. Art thou against vs, Duke of Exeter? Exet. His is the right, and therefore pardon me
Plant. Why whisper you, my Lords, and answer not? Exet. My Conscience tells me he is lawfull King
Henry. All will reuolt from me, and turne to him
Northumb. Plantagenet, for all the Clayme thou lay'st, Thinke not, that Henry shall be so depos'd
Warw. Depos'd he shall be, in despight of all
Northumb. Thou art deceiu'd: 'Tis not thy Southerne power Of Essex, Norfolke, Suffolke, nor of Kent, Which makes thee thus presumptuous and prowd, Can set the Duke vp in despight of me
Clifford. King Henry, be thy Title right or wrong, Lord Clifford vowes to fight in thy defence: May that ground gape, and swallow me aliue, Where I shall kneele to him that slew my Father
Henry. Oh Clifford, how thy words reuiue my heart
Plant. Henry of Lancaster, resigne thy Crowne: What mutter you, or what conspire you Lords? Warw. Doe right vnto this Princely Duke of Yorke, Or I will fill the House with armed men, And ouer the Chayre of State, where now he sits, Write vp his Title with vsurping blood.
He stampes with his foot, and the Souldiers shew themselues.
Henry. My Lord of Warwick, heare but one word, Let me for this my life time reigne as King
Plant. Confirme the Crowne to me and to mine Heires, And thou shalt reigne in quiet while thou liu'st
Henry. I am content: Richard Plantagenet Enioy the Kingdome after my decease
Clifford. What wrong is this vnto the Prince, your Sonne? Warw. What good is this to England, and himselfe? Westm. Base, fearefull, and despayring Henry
Clifford. How hast thou iniur'd both thy selfe and vs? Westm. I cannot stay to heare these Articles
Northumb. Nor I
Clifford. Come Cousin, let vs tell the Queene these Newes
Westm. Farwell faint-hearted and degenerate King, In whose cold blood no sparke of Honor bides
Northumb. Be thou a prey vnto the House of Yorke, And dye in Bands, for this vnmanly deed
Cliff. In dreadfull Warre may'st thou be ouercome, Or liue in peace abandon'd and despis'd
Warw. Turne this way Henry, and regard them not
Exeter. They seeke reuenge, and therefore will not yeeld? Henry. Ah Exeter
Warw. Why should you sigh, my Lord? Henry. Not for my selfe Lord Warwick, but my Sonne, Whom I vnnaturally shall dis-inherite. But be it as it may: I here entayle The Crowne to thee and to thine Heires for euer, Conditionally, that heere thou take an Oath, To cease this Ciuill Warre: and whil'st I liue, To honor me as thy King, and Soueraigne: And neyther by Treason nor Hostilitie, To seeke to put me downe, and reigne thy selfe
Plant. This Oath I willingly take, and will performe
Warw. Long liue King Henry: Plantagenet embrace him