Bona. Deere Brother, how shall Bona be reueng'd, But by thy helpe to this distressed Queene? Mar. Renowned Prince, how shall Poore Henry liue, Vnlesse thou rescue him from foule dispaire? Bona. My quarrel, and this English Queens, are one
War. And mine faire Lady Bona, ioynes with yours
Lew. And mine, with hers, and thine, and Margarets. Therefore, at last, I firmely am resolu'd You shall haue ayde
Mar. Let me giue humble thankes for all, at once
Lew. Then Englands Messenger, returne in Poste, And tell false Edward, thy supposed King, That Lewis of France, is sending ouer Maskers To reuell it with him, and his new Bride. Thou seest what's past, go feare thy King withall
Bona. Tell him, in hope hee'l proue a widower shortly, I weare the Willow Garland for his sake
Mar. Tell him, my mourning weeds are layde aside, And I am ready to put Armor on
War. Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong, And therefore Ile vn-Crowne him, er't be long. There's thy reward, be gone.
Exit Post.
Lew. But Warwicke, Thou and Oxford, with fiue thousand men Shall crosse the Seas, and bid false Edward battaile: And as occasion serues, this Noble Queen And Prince, shall follow with a fresh Supply. Yet ere thou go, but answer me one doubt: What Pledge haue we of thy firme Loyalty? War. This shall assure my constant Loyalty, That if our Queene, and this young Prince agree, Ile ioyne mine eldest daughter, and my Ioy, To him forthwith, in holy Wedlocke bands
Mar. Yes, I agree, and thanke you for your Motion. Sonne Edward, she is Faire and Vertuous, Therefore delay not, giue thy hand to Warwicke, And with thy hand, thy faith irreuocable, That onely Warwickes daughter shall be thine
Prin.Ed. Yes, I accept her, for she well deserues it, And heere to pledge my Vow, I giue my hand.
He giues his hand to Warw[icke].
Lew. Why stay we now? These soldiers shalbe leuied, And thou Lord Bourbon, our High Admirall Shall waft them ouer with our Royall Fleete. I long till Edward fall by Warres mischance, For mocking Marriage with a Dame of France.
Exeunt. Manet Warwicke.
War. I came from Edward as Ambassador, But I returne his sworne and mortall Foe: Matter of Marriage was the charge he gaue me, But dreadfull Warre shall answer his demand. Had he none else to make a stale but me? Then none but I, shall turne his Iest to Sorrow. I was the Cheefe that rais'd him to the Crowne, And Ile be Cheefe to bring him downe againe: Not that I pitty Henries misery, But seeke Reuenge on Edwards mockery. Enter.
Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and Mountague.
Rich. Now tell me Brother Clarence, what thinke you Of this new Marriage with the Lady Gray? Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice? Cla. Alas, you know, tis farre from hence to France, How could he stay till Warwicke made returne? Som. My Lords, forbeare this talke: heere comes the King.
Flourish. Enter King Edward, Lady Grey, Penbrooke, Stafford, Hastings: foure stand on one side, and foure on the other.
Rich. And his well-chosen Bride
Clarence. I minde to tell him plainly what I thinke
King. Now Brother of Clarence, How like you our Choyce, That you stand pensiue, as halfe malecontent? Clarence. As well as Lewis of France, Or the Earle of Warwicke, Which are so weake of courage, and in iudgement, That they'le take no offence at our abuse