King. Goe too, wee pardon thee: Therefore, in briefe, tell me their words, As neere as thou canst guesse them. What answer makes King Lewis vnto our Letters? Post. At my depart, these were his very words: Goe tell false Edward, the supposed King, That Lewis of France is sending ouer Maskers, To reuell it with him, and his new Bride
King. Is Lewis so braue? belike he thinkes me Henry. But what said Lady Bona to my Marriage? Post. These were her words, vtt'red with mild disdaine: Tell him, in hope hee'le proue a Widower shortly, Ile weare the Willow Garland for his sake
King. I blame not her; she could say little lesse: She had the wrong. But what said Henries Queene? For I haue heard, that she was there in place
Post. Tell him (quoth she) My mourning Weedes are done, And I am readie to put Armour on
King. Belike she minds to play the Amazon. But what said Warwicke to these iniuries? Post. He, more incens'd against your Maiestie, Then all the rest, discharg'd me with these words: Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong, And therefore Ile vncrowne him, er't be long
King. Ha? durst the Traytor breath out so prowd words? Well, I will arme me, being thus fore-warn'd: They shall haue Warres, and pay for their presumption. But say, is Warwicke friends with Margaret? Post. I, gracious Soueraigne, They are so link'd in friendship, That yong Prince Edward marryes Warwicks Daughter
Clarence. Belike, the elder; Clarence will haue the younger. Now Brother King farewell, and sit you fast, For I will hence to Warwickes other Daughter, That though I want a Kingdome, yet in Marriage I may not proue inferior to your selfe. You that loue me, and Warwicke, follow me.
Exit Clarence, and Somerset followes.
Rich. Not I: My thoughts ayme at a further matter: I stay not for the loue of Edward, but the Crowne
King. Clarence and Somerset both gone to Warwicke? Yet am I arm'd against the worst can happen: And haste is needfull in this desp'rate case. Pembrooke and Stafford, you in our behalfe Goe leuie men, and make prepare for Warre; They are alreadie, or quickly will be landed: My selfe in person will straight follow you.
Exeunt. Pembrooke and Stafford.
But ere I goe, Hastings and Mountague Resolue my doubt: you twaine, of all the rest, Are neere to Warwicke, by bloud, and by allyance: Tell me, if you loue Warwicke more then me; If it be so, then both depart to him: I rather wish you foes, then hollow friends. But if you minde to hold your true obedience, Giue me assurance with some friendly Vow, That I may neuer haue you in suspect
Mount. So God helpe Mountague, as hee proues true
Hast. And Hastings, as hee fauours Edwards cause
King. Now, Brother Richard, will you stand by vs? Rich. I, in despight of all that shall withstand you
King. Why so: then am I sure of Victorie. Now therefore let vs hence, and lose no howre, Till wee meet Warwicke, with his forreine powre.
Enter Warwicke and Oxford in England, with French Souldiors.
Warw. Trust me, my Lord, all hitherto goes well, The common people by numbers swarme to vs. Enter Clarence and Somerset.
But see where Somerset and Clarence comes: Speake suddenly, my Lords, are wee all friends? Clar. Feare not that, my Lord