Com. But how preuail'd you? Mar. Will the time serue to tell, I do not thinke: Where is the enemy? Are you Lords a'th Field? If not, why cease you till you are so? Com. Martius, we haue at disaduantage fought, And did retyre to win our purpose

Mar. How lies their Battell? Know you on w side They haue plac'd their men of trust? Com. As I guesse Martius, Their Bands i'th Vaward are the Antients Of their best trust: O're them Auffidious, Their very heart of Hope

Mar. I do beseech you, By all the Battailes wherein we haue fought, By th' Blood we haue shed together, By th' Vowes we haue made To endure Friends, that you directly set me Against Affidious, and his Antiats, And that you not delay the present (but Filling the aire with Swords aduanc'd) and Darts, We proue this very houre

Com. Though I could wish, You were conducted to a gentle Bath, And Balmes applyed to you, yet dare I neuer Deny your asking, take your choice of those That best can ayde your action

Mar. Those are they That most are willing; if any such be heere, (As it were sinne to doubt) that loue this painting Wherein you see me smear'd, if any feare Lessen his person, then an ill report: If any thinke, braue death out-weighes bad life, And that his Countries deerer then himselfe, Let him alone: Or so many so minded, Waue thus to expresse his disposition, And follow Martius.

They all shout and waue their swords, take him vp in their Armes, and cast vp their Caps.

Oh me alone, make you a sword of me: If these shewes be not outward, which of you But is foure Volces? None of you, but is Able to beare against the great Auffidious A Shield, as hard as his. A certaine number (Though thankes to all) must I select from all: The rest shall beare the businesse in some other fight (As cause will be obey'd:) please you to March, And foure shall quickly draw out my Command, Which men are best inclin'd

Com. March on my Fellowes: Make good this ostentation, and you shall Diuide in all, with vs.


Titus Lartius, hauing set a guard vpon Carioles, going with Drum and Trumpet toward Cominius, and Caius Martius, Enters with a Lieutenant, other Souldiours, and a Scout.

Lar. So, let the Ports be guarded; keepe your Duties As I haue set them downe. If I do send, dispatch Those Centuries to our ayd, the rest will serue For a short holding, if we loose the Field, We cannot keepe the Towne

Lieu. Feare not our care Sir

Lart. Hence; and shut your gates vpon's: Our Guider come, to th' Roman Campe conduct vs.


Alarum, as in Battaile.

Enter Martius and Auffidius at seueral doores.

Mar. Ile fight with none but thee, for I do hate thee Worse then a Promise-breaker

Auffid. We hate alike: Not Affricke ownes a Serpent I abhorre More then thy Fame and Enuy: Fix thy foot

Mar. Let the first Budger dye the others Slaue, And the Gods doome him after

Auf. If I flye Martius, hollow me like a Hare

Mar. Within these three houres Tullus Alone I fought in your Corioles walles, And made what worke I pleas'd: 'Tis not my blood, Wherein thou seest me maskt, for thy Reuenge Wrench vp thy power to th' highest

Auf. Wer't thou the Hector, That was the whip of your bragg'd Progeny, Thou should'st not scape me heere.

Heere they fight, and certaine Volces come in the ayde of Auffi. Martius fights til they be driuen in breathles.

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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