Brutus. Then our Office may, during his power, goe sleepe

Scicin. He cannot temp'rately transport his Honors, From where he should begin, and end, but will Lose those he hath wonne

Brutus. In that there's comfort

Scici. Doubt not, The Commoners, for whom we stand, but they Vpon their ancient mallice, will forget With the least cause, these his new Honors, Which that he will giue them, make I as little question, As he is prowd to doo't

Brutus. I heard him sweare, Were he to stand for Consull, neuer would he Appeare i'th' Market place, nor on him put The Naples Vesture of Humilitie, Nor shewing (as the manner is) his Wounds Toth' People, begge their stinking Breaths

Scicin. 'Tis right

Brutus. It was his word: Oh he would misse it, rather then carry it, But by the suite of the Gentry to him, And the desire of the Nobles

Scicin. I wish no better, then haue him hold that purpose, and to put it in execution

Brutus. 'Tis most like he will

Scicin. It shall be to him then, as our good wills; a sure destruction

Brutus. So it must fall out To him, or our Authorities, for an end. We must suggest the People, in what hatred He still hath held them: that to's power he would Haue made them Mules, silenc'd their Pleaders, And dispropertied their Freedomes; holding them, In humane Action, and Capacitie, Of no more Soule, nor fitnesse for the World, Then Cammels in their Warre, who haue their Prouand Onely for bearing Burthens, and sore blowes For sinking vnder them

Scicin. This (as you say) suggested, At some time, when his soaring Insolence Shall teach the People, which time shall not want, If he be put vpon't, and that's as easie, As to set Dogges on Sheepe, will be his fire To kindle their dry Stubble: and their Blaze Shall darken him for euer. Enter a Messenger.

Brutus. What's the matter? Mess. You are sent for to the Capitoll: 'Tis thought, that Martius shall be Consull: I haue seene the dumbe men throng to see him, And the blind to heare him speak: Matrons flong Gloues, Ladies and Maids their Scarffes, and Handkerchers, Vpon him as he pass'd: the Nobles bended As to Ioues Statue, and the Commons made A Shower, and Thunder, with their Caps, and Showts: I neuer saw the like

Brutus. Let's to the Capitoll, And carry with vs Eares and Eyes for th' time, But Hearts for the euent

Scicin. Haue with you.


Enter two Officers, to lay Cushions, as it were, in the Capitoll.

1.Off. Come, come, they are almost here: how many stand for Consulships? 2.Off. Three, they say: but 'tis thought of euery one, Coriolanus will carry it

1.Off. That's a braue fellow: but hee's vengeance prowd, and loues not the common people

2.Off. 'Faith, there hath beene many great men that haue flatter'd the people, who ne're loued them; and there be many that they haue loued, they know not wherefore: so that if they loue they know not why, they hate vpon no better a ground. Therefore, for Coriolanus neyther to care whether they loue, or hate him, manifests the true knowledge he ha's in their disposition, and out of his Noble carelesnesse lets them plainely see't

1.Off. If he did not care whether he had their loue, or no, hee waued indifferently, 'twixt doing them neyther good, nor harme: but hee seekes their hate with greater deuotion, then they can render it him; and leaues nothing vndone, that may fully discouer him their opposite. Now to seeme to affect the mallice and displeasure of the People, is as bad, as that which he dislikes, to flatter them for their loue

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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