Scicin. Thus to haue said, As you were fore-aduis'd, had toucht his Spirit, And try'd his Inclination: from him pluckt Eyther his gracious Promise, which you might As cause had call'd you vp, haue held him to; Or else it would haue gall'd his surly nature, Which easily endures not Article, Tying him to ought, so putting him to Rage, You should haue ta'ne th' aduantage of his Choller, And pass'd him vnelected

Brut. Did you perceiue, He did sollicite you in free Contempt, When he did need your Loues: and doe you thinke, That his Contempt shall not be brusing to you, When he hath power to crush? Why, had your Bodyes No Heart among you? Or had you Tongues, to cry Against the Rectorship of Iudgement? Scicin. Haue you, ere now, deny'd the asker: And now againe, of him that did not aske, but mock, Bestow your su'd-for Tongues? 3.Cit. Hee's not confirm'd, we may deny him yet

2.Cit. And will deny him: Ile haue fiue hundred Voyces of that sound

1.Cit. I twice fiue hundred, & their friends, to piece 'em

Brut. Get you hence instantly, and tell those friends, They haue chose a Consull, that will from them take Their Liberties, make them of no more Voyce Then Dogges, that are as often beat for barking, As therefore kept to doe so

Scici. Let them assemble: and on a safer Iudgement, All reuoke your ignorant election: Enforce his Pride, And his old Hate vnto you: besides, forget not With what Contempt he wore the humble Weed, How in his Suit he scorn'd you: but your Loues, Thinking vpon his Seruices, tooke from you Th' apprehension of his present portance, Which most gibingly, vngrauely, he did fashion After the inueterate Hate he beares you

Brut. Lay a fault on vs, your Tribunes, That we labour'd (no impediment betweene) But that you must cast your Election on him

Scici. Say you chose him, more after our commandment, Then as guided by your owne true affections, and that Your Minds pre-occupy'd with what you rather must do, Then what you should, made you against the graine To Voyce him Consull. Lay the fault on vs

Brut. I, spare vs not: Say, we read Lectures to you, How youngly he began to serue his Countrey, How long continued, and what stock he springs of, The Noble House o'th'Martians: from whence came That Ancus Martius, Numaes Daughters Sonne: Who after great Hostilius here was King, Of the same House Publius and Quintus were, That our best Water, brought by Conduits hither, And Nobly nam'd, so twice being Censor, Was his great Ancestor

Scicin. One thus descended, That hath beside well in his person wrought, To be set high in place, we did commend To your remembrances: but you haue found, Skaling his present bearing with his past, That hee's your fixed enemie; and reuoke Your suddaine approbation

Brut. Say you ne're had don't, (Harpe on that still) but by our putting on: And presently, when you haue drawne your number, Repaire toth' Capitoll

All. We will so: almost all repent in their election.

Exeunt. Plebeians.

Brut. Let them goe on: This Mutinie were better put in hazard, Then stay past doubt, for greater: If, as his nature is, he fall in rage With their refusall, both obserue and answer The vantage of his anger

Scicin. Toth' Capitoll, come: We will be there before the streame o'th' People: And this shall seeme, as partly 'tis, their owne, Which we haue goaded on-ward.


William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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