Iach. My humble thankes: I had almost forgot T' intreat your Grace, but in a small request, And yet of moment too, for it concernes: Your Lord, my selfe, and other Noble Friends Are partners in the businesse

Imo. Pray what is't? Iach. Some dozen Romanes of vs, and your Lord (The best Feather of our wing) haue mingled summes To buy a Present for the Emperor: Which I (the Factor for the rest) haue done In France: 'tis Plate of rare deuice, and Iewels Of rich, and exquisite forme, their valewes great, And I am something curious, being strange To haue them in safe stowage: May it please you To take them in protection

Imo. Willingly: And pawne mine Honor for their safety, since My Lord hath interest in them, I will keepe them In my Bed-chamber

Iach. They are in a Trunke Attended by my men: I will make bold To send them to you, onely for this night: I must aboord to morrow

Imo. O no, no

Iach. Yes I beseech: or I shall short my word By length'ning my returne. From Gallia, I crost the Seas on purpose, and on promise To see your Grace

Imo. I thanke you for your paines: But not away to morrow

Iach. O I must Madam. Therefore I shall beseech you, if you please To greet your Lord with writing, doo't to night, I haue out-stood my time, which is materiall To'th' tender of our Present

Imo. I will write: Send your Trunke to me, it shall safe be kept, And truely yeelded you: you're very welcome.


William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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