Post. All is well yet, Sparkles this Stone as it was wont, or is't not Too dull for your good wearing? Iach. If I haue lost it, I should haue lost the worth of it in Gold, Ile make a iourney twice as farre, t' enioy A second night of such sweet shortnesse, which Was mine in Britaine, for the Ring is wonne
Post. The Stones too hard to come by
Iach. Not a whit, Your Lady being so easy
Post. Make note Sir Your losse, your Sport: I hope you know that we Must not continue Friends
Iach. Good Sir, we must If you keepe Couenant: had I not brought The knowledge of your Mistris home, I grant We were to question farther; but I now Professe my selfe the winner of her Honor, Together with your Ring; and not the wronger Of her, or you hauing proceeded but By both your willes
Post. If you can mak't apparant That you haue tasted her in Bed; my hand, And Ring is yours. If not, the foule opinion You had of her pure Honour; gaines, or looses, Your Sword, or mine, or Masterlesse leaue both To who shall finde them
Iach. Sir, my Circumstances Being so nere the Truth, as I will make them, Must first induce you to beleeue; whose strength I will confirme with oath, which I doubt not You'l giue me leaue to spare, when you shall finde You neede it not
Post. Proceed
Iach. First, her Bed-chamber (Where I confesse I slept not, but professe Had that was well worth watching) it was hang'd With Tapistry of Silke, and Siluer, the Story Proud Cleopatra, when she met her Roman, And Sidnus swell'd aboue the Bankes, or for The presse of Boates, or Pride. A peece of Worke So brauely done, so rich, that it did striue In Workemanship, and Value, which I wonder'd Could be so rarely, and exactly wrought Since the true life on't was- Post. This is true: And this you might haue heard of heere, by me, Or by some other
Iach. More particulars Must iustifie my knowledge
Post. So they must, Or doe your Honour iniury
Iach. The Chimney Is South the Chamber, and the Chimney-peece Chaste Dian, bathing: neuer saw I figures So likely to report themselues; the Cutter Was as another Nature dumbe, out-went her, Motion, and Breath left out
Post. This is a thing Which you might from Relation likewise reape, Being, as it is, much spoke of
Iach. The Roofe o'th' Chamber, With golden Cherubins is fretted. Her Andirons (I had forgot them) were two winking Cupids Of Siluer, each on one foote standing, nicely Depending on their Brands
Post. This is her Honor: Let it be granted you haue seene all this (and praise Be giuen to your remembrance) the description Of what is in her Chamber, nothing saues The wager you haue laid
Iach. Then if you can Be pale, I begge but leaue to ayre this Iewell: See, And now 'tis vp againe: it must be married To that your Diamond, Ile keepe them
Post. Ioue- Once more let me behold it: Is it that Which I left with her? Iach. Sir (I thanke her) that She stript it from her Arme: I see her yet: Her pretty Action, did out-sell her guift, And yet enrich'd it too: she gaue it me, And said, she priz'd it once
Post. May be, she pluck'd it off To send it me
Iach. She writes so to you? doth shee? Post. O no, no, no, 'tis true. Heere, take this too, It is a Basiliske vnto mine eye, Killes me to looke on't: Let there be no Honor, Where there is Beauty: Truth, where semblance: Loue, Where there's another man. The Vowes of Women, Of no more bondage be, to where they are made, Then they are to their Vertues, which is nothing: O, aboue measure false
Phil. Haue patience Sir, And take your Ring againe, 'tis not yet wonne: It may be probable she lost it: or Who knowes if one her women, being corrupted Hath stolne it from her