Cas. Then leaue him out

Cask. Indeed, he is not fit

Decius. Shall no man else be toucht, but onely Caesar? Cas. Decius well vrg'd: I thinke it is not meet, Marke Antony, so well belou'd of Caesar, Should out-liue Caesar, we shall finde of him A shrew'd Contriuer. And you know, his meanes If he improue them, may well stretch so farre As to annoy vs all: which to preuent, Let Antony and Caesar fall together

Bru. Our course will seeme too bloody, Caius Cassius, To cut the Head off, and then hacke the Limbes: Like Wrath in death, and Enuy afterwards: For Antony, is but a Limbe of Caesar. Let's be Sacrificers, but not Butchers Caius: We all stand vp against the spirit of Caesar, And in the Spirit of men, there is no blood: O that we then could come by Caesars Spirit, And not dismember Caesar! But (alas) Caesar must bleed for it. And gentle Friends, Let's kill him Boldly, but not Wrathfully: Let's carue him, as a Dish fit for the Gods, Not hew him as a Carkasse fit for Hounds: And let our Hearts, as subtle Masters do, Stirre vp their Seruants to an acte of Rage, And after seeme to chide 'em. This shall make Our purpose Necessary, and not Enuious. Which so appearing to the common eyes, We shall be call'd Purgers, not Murderers. And for Marke Antony, thinke not of him: For he can do no more then Caesars Arme, When Caesars head is off

Cas. Yet I feare him, For in the ingrafted loue he beares to Caesar

Bru. Alas, good Cassius, do not thinke of him: If he loue Caesar, all that he can do Is to himselfe; take thought, and dye for Caesar, And that were much he should: for he is giuen To sports, to wildenesse, and much company

Treb. There is no feare in him; let him not dye, For he will liue, and laugh at this heereafter.

Clocke strikes.

Bru. Peace, count the Clocke

Cas. The Clocke hath stricken three

Treb. 'Tis time to part

Cass. But it is doubtfull yet, Whether Caesar will come forth to day, or no: For he is Superstitious growne of late, Quite from the maine Opinion he held once, Of Fantasie, of Dreames, and Ceremonies: It may be, these apparant Prodigies, The vnaccustom'd Terror of this night, And the perswasion of his Augurers, May hold him from the Capitoll to day

Decius. Neuer feare that: If he be so resolu'd, I can ore-sway him: For he loues to heare, That Vnicornes may be betray'd with Trees, And Beares with Glasses, Elephants with Holes, Lyons with Toyles, and men with Flatterers. But, when I tell him, he hates Flatterers, He sayes, he does; being then most flattered. Let me worke: For I can giue his humour the true bent; And I will bring him to the Capitoll

Cas. Nay, we will all of vs, be there to fetch him

Bru. By the eight houre, is that the vttermost? Cin. Be that the vttermost, and faile not then

Met. Caius Ligarius doth beare Caesar hard, Who rated him for speaking well of Pompey; I wonder none of you haue thought of him

Bru. Now good Metellus go along by him: He loues me well, and I haue giuen him Reasons, Send him but hither, and Ile fashion him

Cas. The morning comes vpon's: Wee'l leaue you Brutus, And Friends disperse your selues; but all remember What you haue said, and shew your selues true Romans

Bru. Good Gentlemen, looke fresh and merrily, Let not our lookes put on our purposes, But beare it as our Roman Actors do, With vntyr'd Spirits, and formall Constancie, And so good morrow to you euery one.


William Shakespeare
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