Actus Tertius.
Enter Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Caska, Decius, Metellus, Trebonius, Cynna, Antony, Lepidus, Artimedorus, Publius, and the Soothsayer.
Caes The Ides of March are come
Sooth. I Caesar, but not gone
Art. Haile Caesar: Read this Scedule
Deci. Trebonius doth desire you to ore-read (At your best leysure) this his humble suite
Art. O Caesar, reade mine first: for mine's a suite That touches Caesar neerer. Read it great Caesar
Caes What touches vs our selfe, shall be last seru'd
Art. Delay not Caesar, read it instantly
Caes What, is the fellow mad? Pub. Sirra, giue place
Cassi. What, vrge you your Petitions in the street? Come to the Capitoll
Popil. I wish your enterprize to day may thriue
Cassi. What enterprize Popillius? Popil. Fare you well
Bru. What said Popillius Lena? Cassi. He wisht to day our enterprize might thriue: I feare our purpose is discouered
Bru. Looke how he makes to Caesar: marke him
Cassi. Caska be sodaine, for we feare preuention. Brutus what shall be done? If this be knowne, Cassius or Caesar neuer shall turne backe, For I will slay my selfe
Bru. Cassius be constant: Popillius Lena speakes not of our purposes, For looke he smiles, and Caesar doth not change
Cassi. Trebonius knowes his time: for look you Brutus He drawes Mark Antony out of the way
Deci. Where is Metellus Cimber, let him go, And presently preferre his suite to Caesar
Bru. He is addrest: presse neere, and second him
Cin. Caska, you are the first that reares your hand
Caes Are we all ready? What is now amisse, That Caesar and his Senate must redresse? Metel. Most high, most mighty, and most puisant Caesar Metellus Cymber throwes before thy Seate An humble heart
Caes I must preuent thee Cymber: These couchings, and these lowly courtesies Might fire the blood of ordinary men, And turne pre-Ordinance, and first Decree Into the lane of Children. Be not fond, To thinke that Caesar beares such Rebell blood That will be thaw'd from the true quality With that which melteth Fooles, I meane sweet words, Low-crooked-curtsies, and base Spaniell fawning: Thy Brother by decree is banished: If thou doest bend, and pray, and fawne for him, I spurne thee like a Curre out of my way: Know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor without cause Will he be satisfied
Metel. Is there no voyce more worthy then my owne, To sound more sweetly in great Caesars eare, For the repealing of my banish'd Brother? Bru. I kisse thy hand, but not in flattery Caesar: Desiring thee, that Publius Cymber may Haue an immediate freedome of repeale
Caes What Brutus? Cassi. Pardon Caesar: Caesar pardon: As lowe as to thy foote doth Cassius fall, To begge infranchisement for Publius Cymber
Caes I could be well mou'd, if I were as you, If I could pray to mooue, Prayers would mooue me: But I am constant as the Northerne Starre, Of whose true fixt, and resting quality, There is no fellow in the Firmament. The Skies are painted with vnnumbred sparkes, They are all Fire, and euery one doth shine: But, there's but one in all doth hold his place. So, in the World; 'Tis furnish'd well with Men, And Men are Flesh and Blood, and apprehensiue; Yet in the number, I do know but One That vnassayleable holds on his Ranke, Vnshak'd of Motion: and that I am he, Let me a little shew it, euen in this: That I was constant Cymber should be banish'd, And constant do remaine to keepe him so