Ant. That's all I seeke, And am moreouer sutor, that I may Produce his body to the Market-place, And in the Pulpit as becomes a Friend, Speake in the Order of his Funerall
Bru. You shall Marke Antony
Cassi. Brutus, a word with you: You know not what you do; Do not consent That Antony speake in his Funerall: Know you how much the people may be mou'd By that which he will vtter
Bru. By your pardon: I will my selfe into the Pulpit first, And shew the reason of our Caesars death. What Antony shall speake, I will protest He speakes by leaue, and by permission: And that we are contented Caesar shall Haue all true Rites, and lawfull Ceremonies, It shall aduantage more, then do vs wrong
Cassi. I know not what may fall, I like it not
Bru. Mark Antony, heere take you Caesars body: You shall not in your Funerall speech blame vs, But speake all good you can deuise of Caesar, And say you doo't by our permission: Else shall you not haue any hand at all About his Funerall. And you shall speake In the same Pulpit whereto I am going, After my speech is ended
Ant. Be it so: I do desire no more
Bru. Prepare the body then, and follow vs.
Manet Antony.
O pardon me, thou bleeding peece of Earth: That I am meeke and gentle with these Butchers. Thou art the Ruines of the Noblest man That euer liued in the Tide of Times. Woe to the hand that shed this costly Blood. Ouer thy wounds, now do I Prophesie, (Which like dumbe mouthes do ope their Ruby lips, To begge the voyce and vtterance of my Tongue) A Curse shall light vpon the limbes of men; Domesticke Fury, and fierce Ciuill strife, Shall cumber all the parts of Italy: Blood and destruction shall be so in vse, And dreadfull Obiects so familiar, That Mothers shall but smile, when they behold Their Infants quartered with the hands of Warre: All pitty choak'd with custome of fell deeds, And Caesars Spirit ranging for Reuenge, With Ate by his side, come hot from Hell, Shall in these Confines, with a Monarkes voyce, Cry hauocke, and let slip the Dogges of Warre, That this foule deede, shall smell aboue the earth With Carrion men, groaning for Buriall. Enter Octauio's Seruant.
You serue Octauius Caesar, do you not? Ser. I do Marke Antony
Ant. Caesar did write for him to come to Rome
Ser. He did receiue his Letters, and is comming, And bid me say to you by word of mouth- O Caesar! Ant. Thy heart is bigge: get thee a-part and weepe: Passion I see is catching from mine eyes, Seeing those Beads of sorrow stand in thine, Began to water. Is thy Master comming? Ser. He lies to night within seuen Leagues of Rome
Ant. Post backe with speede, And tell him what hath chanc'd: Heere is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome, No Rome of safety for Octauius yet, Hie hence, and tell him so. Yet stay a-while, Thou shalt not backe, till I haue borne this course Into the Market place: There shall I try In my Oration, how the People take The cruell issue of these bloody men, According to the which, thou shalt discourse To yong Octauius, of the state of things. Lend me your hand.
Enter Brutus and goes into the Pulpit, and Cassius, with the Plebeians.
Ple. We will be satisfied: let vs be satisfied
Bru. Then follow me, and giue me Audience friends. Cassius go you into the other streete, And part the Numbers: Those that will heare me speake, let 'em stay heere; Those that will follow Cassius, go with him, And publike Reasons shall be rendred Of Caesars death