4 They were Traitors: Honourable men? All. The Will, the Testament
2 They were Villaines, Murderers: the Will, read the Will
Ant. You will compell me then to read the Will: Then make a Ring about the Corpes of Caesar, And let me shew you him that made the Will: Shall I descend? And will you giue me leaue? All. Come downe
2 Descend
3 You shall haue leaue
4 A Ring, stand round
1 Stand from the Hearse, stand from the Body
2 Roome for Antony, most Noble Antony
Ant. Nay presse not so vpon me, stand farre off
All. Stand backe: roome, beare backe
Ant. If you haue teares, prepare to shed them now. You all do know this Mantle, I remember The first time euer Caesar put it on, 'Twas on a Summers Euening in his Tent, That day he ouercame the Neruij. Looke, in this place ran Cassius Dagger through: See what a rent the enuious Caska made: Through this, the wel-beloued Brutus stabb'd, And as he pluck'd his cursed Steele away: Marke how the blood of Caesar followed it, As rushing out of doores, to be resolu'd If Brutus so vnkindely knock'd, or no: For Brutus, as you know, was Caesars Angel. Iudge, O you Gods, how deerely Caesar lou'd him: This was the most vnkindest cut of all. For when the Noble Caesar saw him stab, Ingratitude, more strong then Traitors armes, Quite vanquish'd him: then burst his Mighty heart, And in his Mantle, muffling vp his face, Euen at the Base of Pompeyes Statue (Which all the while ran blood) great Caesar fell. O what a fall was there, my Countrymen? Then I, and you, and all of vs fell downe, Whil'st bloody Treason flourish'd ouer vs. O now you weepe, and I perceiue you feele The dint of pitty: These are gracious droppes. Kinde Soules, what weepe you, when you but behold Our Caesars Vesture wounded? Looke you heere, Heere is Himselfe, marr'd as you see with Traitors
1. O pitteous spectacle! 2. O Noble Caesar! 3. O wofull day! 4. O Traitors, Villaines! 1. O most bloody sight! 2. We will be reueng'd: Reuenge About, seeke, burne, fire, kill, slay, Let not a Traitor liue
Ant. Stay Country-men
1. Peace there, heare the Noble Antony
2. Wee'l heare him, wee'l follow him, wee'l dy with him
Ant. Good Friends, sweet Friends, let me not stirre you vp To such a sodaine Flood of Mutiny: They that haue done this Deede, are honourable. What priuate greefes they haue, alas I know not, That made them do it: They are Wise, and Honourable, And will no doubt with Reasons answer you. I come not (Friends) to steale away your hearts, I am no Orator, as Brutus is: But (as you know me all) a plaine blunt man That loue my Friend, and that they know full well, That gaue me publike leaue to speake of him: For I haue neyther writ nor words, nor worth, Action, nor Vtterance, nor the power of Speech, To stirre mens Blood. I onely speake right on: I tell you that, which you your selues do know, Shew you sweet Caesars wounds, poor poor dum mouths And bid them speake for me: But were I Brutus, And Brutus Antony, there were an Antony Would ruffle vp your Spirits, and put a Tongue In euery Wound of Caesar, that should moue The stones of Rome, to rise and Mutiny
All. Wee'l Mutiny
1 Wee'l burne the house of Brutus
3 Away then, come, seeke the Conspirators
Ant. Yet heare me Countrymen, yet heare me speake All. Peace hoe, heare Antony, most Noble Antony
Ant. Why Friends, you go to do you know not what: Wherein hath Caesar thus deseru'd your loues? Alas you know not, I must tell you then: You haue forgot the Will I told you of