Bru. Well, to our worke aliue. What do you thinke Of marching to Philippi presently
Cassi. I do not thinke it good
Bru. Your reason? Cassi. This it is: 'Tis better that the Enemie seeke vs, So shall he waste his meanes, weary his Souldiers, Doing himselfe offence, whil'st we lying still, Are full of rest, defence, and nimblenesse
Bru. Good reasons must of force giue place to better: The people 'twixt Philippi, and this ground Do stand but in a forc'd affection: For they haue grug'd vs Contribution. The Enemy, marching along by them, By them shall make a fuller number vp, Come on refresht, new added, and encourag'd: From which aduantage shall we cut him off. If at Philippi we do face him there, These people at our backe
Cassi. Heare me good Brother
Bru. Vnder your pardon. You must note beside, That we haue tride the vtmost of our Friends: Our Legions are brim full, our cause is ripe, The Enemy encreaseth euery day, We at the height, are readie to decline. There is a Tide in the affayres of men, Which taken at the Flood, leades on to Fortune: Omitted, all the voyage of their life, Is bound in Shallowes, and in Miseries. On such a full Sea are we now a-float, And we must take the current when it serues, Or loose our Ventures
Cassi. Then with your will go on: wee'l along Our selues, and meet them at Philippi
Bru. The deepe of night is crept vpon our talke, And Nature must obey Necessitie, Which we will niggard with a little rest: There is no more to say
Cassi. No more, good night, Early to morrow will we rise, and hence. Enter Lucius.
Bru. Lucius my Gowne: farewell good Messala, Good night Titinius: Noble, Noble Cassius, Good night, and good repose
Cassi. O my deere Brother: This was an ill beginning of the night: Neuer come such diuision 'tweene our soules: Let it not Brutus. Enter Lucius with the Gowne.
Bru. Euery thing is well
Cassi. Good night my Lord
Bru. Good night good Brother
Tit. Messa. Good night Lord Brutus
Bru. Farwell euery one.
Giue me the Gowne. Where is thy Instrument? Luc. Heere in the Tent
Bru. What, thou speak'st drowsily? Poore knaue I blame thee not, thou art ore-watch'd. Call Claudio, and some other of my men, Ile haue them sleepe on Cushions in my Tent
Luc. Varrus, and Claudio. Enter Varrus and Claudio.
Var. Cals my Lord? Bru. I pray you sirs, lye in my Tent and sleepe, It may be I shall raise you by and by On businesse to my Brother Cassius
Var. So please you, we will stand, And watch your pleasure
Bru. I will it not haue it so: Lye downe good sirs, It may be I shall otherwise bethinke me. Looke Lucius, heere's the booke I sought for so: I put it in the pocket of my Gowne
Luc. I was sure your Lordship did not giue it me
Bru. Beare with me good Boy, I am much forgetfull. Canst thou hold vp thy heauie eyes a-while, And touch thy Instrument a straine or two
Luc. I my Lord, an't please you
Bru. It does my Boy: I trouble thee too much, but thou art willing
Luc. It is my duty Sir
Brut. I should not vrge thy duty past thy might, I know yong bloods looke for a time of rest
Luc. I haue slept my Lord already
Bru. It was well done, and thou shalt sleepe againe: I will not hold thee long. If I do liue, I will be good to thee.
Musicke, and a Song.