Actus Quintus.
Enter Octauius, Antony, and their Army.
Octa. Now Antony, our hopes are answered, You said the Enemy would not come downe, But keepe the Hilles and vpper Regions: It proues not so: their battailes are at hand, They meane to warne vs at Philippi heere: Answering before we do demand of them
Ant. Tut I am in their bosomes, and I know Wherefore they do it: They could be content To visit other places, and come downe With fearefull brauery: thinking by this face To fasten in our thoughts that they haue Courage; But 'tis not so. Enter a Messenger.
Mes. Prepare you Generals, The Enemy comes on in gallant shew: Their bloody signe of Battell is hung out, And something to be done immediately
Ant. Octauius, leade your Battaile softly on Vpon the left hand of the euen Field
Octa. Vpon the right hand I, keepe thou the left
Ant. Why do you crosse me in this exigent
Octa. I do not crosse you: but I will do so.
Drum. Enter Brutus, Cassius, & their Army.
Bru. They stand, and would haue parley
Cassi. Stand fast Titinius, we must out and talke
Octa. Mark Antony, shall we giue signe of Battaile? Ant. No Caesar, we will answer on their Charge. Make forth, the Generals would haue some words
Oct. Stirre not vntill the Signall
Bru. Words before blowes: is it so Countrymen? Octa. Not that we loue words better, as you do
Bru. Good words are better then bad strokes Octauius
An. In your bad strokes Brutus, you giue good words Witnesse the hole you made in Caesars heart, Crying long liue, Haile Caesar
Cassi. Antony, The posture of your blowes are yet vnknowne; But for your words, they rob the Hibla Bees, And leaue them Hony-lesse
Ant. Not stinglesse too
Bru. O yes, and soundlesse too: For you haue stolne their buzzing Antony, And very wisely threat before you sting
Ant. Villains: you did not so, when your vile daggers Hackt one another in the sides of Caesar: You shew'd your teethes like Apes, And fawn'd like Hounds, And bow'd like Bondmen, kissing Caesars feete; Whil'st damned Caska, like a Curre, behinde Strooke Caesar on the necke. O you Flatterers
Cassi. Flatterers? Now Brutus thanke your selfe, This tongue had not offended so to day. If Cassius might haue rul'd
Octa. Come, come, the cause. If arguing make vs swet, The proofe of it will turne to redder drops: Looke, I draw a Sword against Conspirators, When thinke you that the Sword goes vp againe? Neuer till Caesars three and thirtie wounds Be well aueng'd; or till another Caesar Haue added slaughter to the Sword of Traitors
Brut. Caesar, thou canst not dye by Traitors hands. Vnlesse thou bring'st them with thee
Octa. So I hope: I was not borne to dye on Brutus Sword
Bru. O if thou wer't the Noblest of thy Straine, Yong-man, thou could'st not dye more honourable
Cassi. A peeuish School-boy, worthles of such Honor Ioyn'd with a Masker, and a Reueller
Ant. Old Cassius still
Octa. Come Antony: away: Defiance Traitors, hurle we in your teeth. If you dare fight to day, come to the Field; If not, when you haue stomackes.
Exit Octauius, Antony, and Army
Cassi. Why now blow winde, swell Billow, And swimme Barke: The Storme is vp, and all is on the hazard
Bru. Ho Lucillius, hearke, a word with you.