La. Your Seruants euer, Haue theirs, themselues, and what is theirs in compt, To make their Audit at your Highnesse pleasure, Still to returne your owne

King. Giue me your hand: Conduct me to mine Host we loue him highly, And shall continue, our Graces towards him. By your leaue Hostesse.


Scena Septima.

Hoboyes. Torches. Enter a Sewer, and diuers Seruants with Dishes and Seruice ouer the Stage. Then enter Macbeth

Macb. If it were done, when 'tis done, then 'twer well, It were done quickly: If th' Assassination Could trammell vp the Consequence, and catch With his surcease, Successe: that but this blow Might be the be all, and the end all. Heere, But heere, vpon this Banke and Schoole of time, Wee'ld iumpe the life to come. But in these Cases, We still haue iudgement heere, that we but teach Bloody Instructions, which being taught, returne To plague th' Inuenter, this euen-handed Iustice Commends th' Ingredience of our poyson'd Challice To our owne lips. Hee's heere in double trust; First, as I am his Kinsman, and his Subiect, Strong both against the Deed: Then, as his Host, Who should against his Murtherer shut the doore, Not beare the knife my selfe. Besides, this Duncane Hath borne his Faculties so meeke; hath bin So cleere in his great Office, that his Vertues Will pleade like Angels, Trumpet-tongu'd against The deepe damnation of his taking off: And Pitty, like a naked New-borne-Babe, Striding the blast, or Heauens Cherubin, hors'd Vpon the sightlesse Curriors of the Ayre, Shall blow the horrid deed in euery eye, That teares shall drowne the winde. I haue no Spurre To pricke the sides of my intent, but onely Vaulting Ambition, which ore-leapes it selfe, And falles on th' other. Enter Lady.

How now? What Newes? La. He has almost supt: why haue you left the chamber? Mac. Hath he ask'd for me? La. Know you not, he ha's? Mac. We will proceed no further in this Businesse: He hath Honour'd me of late, and I haue bought Golden Opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worne now in their newest glosse, Not cast aside so soone

La. Was the hope drunke, Wherein you drest your selfe? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now to looke so greene, and pale, At what it did so freely? From this time, Such I account thy loue. Art thou affear'd To be the same in thine owne Act, and Valour, As thou art in desire? Would'st thou haue that Which thou esteem'st the Ornament of Life, And liue a Coward in thine owne Esteeme? Letting I dare not, wait vpon I would, Like the poore Cat i'th' Addage

Macb. Prythee peace: I dare do all that may become a man, Who dares do more, is none

La. What Beast was't then That made you breake this enterprize to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man: And to be more then what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time, nor place Did then adhere, and yet you would make both: They haue made themselues, and that their fitnesse now Do's vnmake you. I haue giuen Sucke, and know How tender 'tis to loue the Babe that milkes me, I would, while it was smyling in my Face, Haue pluckt my Nipple from his Bonelesse Gummes, And dasht the Braines out, had I so sworne As you haue done to this

Macb. If we should faile? Lady. We faile? But screw your courage to the sticking place, And wee'le not fayle: when Duncan is asleepe, (Whereto the rather shall his dayes hard Iourney Soundly inuite him) his two Chamberlaines Will I with Wine, and Wassell, so conuince, That Memorie, the Warder of the Braine, Shall be a Fume, and the Receit of Reason A Lymbeck onely: when in Swinish sleepe, Their drenched Natures lyes as in a Death, What cannot you and I performe vpon Th' vnguarded Duncan? What not put vpon His spungie Officers? who shall beare the guilt Of our great quell

Macb. Bring forth Men-Children onely: For thy vndaunted Mettle should compose Nothing but Males. Will it not be receiu'd, When we haue mark'd with blood those sleepie two Of his owne Chamber, and vs'd their very Daggers, That they haue don't? Lady. Who dares receiue it other, As we shall make our Griefes and Clamor rore, Vpon his Death? Macb. I am settled, and bend vp Each corporall Agent to this terrible Feat. Away, and mock the time with fairest show, False Face must hide what the false Heart doth know.


William Shakespeare
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