Chiro. What, Would'st thou haue me proue my selfe a bastard? Laui. 'Tis true, The Rauen doth not hatch a Larke, Yet haue I heard, Oh could I finde it now, The Lion mou'd with pitty, did indure To haue his Princely pawes par'd all away. Some say, that Rauens foster forlorne children, The whil'st their owne birds famish in their nests: Oh be to me though thy hard hart say no, Nothing so kind but something pittifull
Tamo. I know not what it meanes, away with her
Lauin. Oh let me teach thee for my Fathers sake, That gaue thee life when well he might haue slaine thee: Be not obdurate, open thy deafe eares
Tamo. Had'st thou in person nere offended me. Euen for his sake am I pittilesse: Remember Boyes I powr'd forth teares in vaine, To saue your brother from the sacrifice, But fierce Andronicus would not relent, Therefore away with her, and vse her as you will, The worse to her, the better lou'd of me
Laui. Oh Tamora, Be call'd a gentle Queene, And with thine owne hands kill me in this place, For 'tis not life that I haue beg'd so long, Poore I was slaine, when Bassianus dy'd
Tam. What beg'st thou then? fond woman let me go? Laui. 'Tis present death I beg, and one thing more, That womanhood denies my tongue to tell: Oh keepe me from their worse then killing lust, And tumble me into some loathsome pit, Where neuer mans eye may behold my body, Doe this, and be a charitable murderer
Tam. So should I rob my sweet Sonnes of their fee, No let them satisfie their lust on thee
Deme. Away, For thou hast staid vs heere too long
Lauinia. No Grace, No womanhood? Ah beastly creature, The blot and enemy to our generall name, Confusion fall- Chi. Nay then Ile stop your mouth Bring thou her husband, This is the Hole where Aaron bid vs hide him
Tam. Farewell my Sonnes, see that you make her sure, Nere let my heart know merry cheere indeed, Till all the Andronici be made away: Now will I hence to seeke my louely Moore, And let my spleenefull Sonnes this Trull defloure. Enter.
Enter Aaron with two of Titus Sonnes.
Aron. Come on my Lords, the better foote before, Straight will I bring you to the lothsome pit, Where I espied the Panther fast asleepe
Quin. My sight is very dull what ere it bodes
Marti. And mine I promise you, were it not for shame, Well could I leaue our sport to sleepe a while
Quin. What art thou fallen? What subtile Hole is this, Whose mouth is couered with Rude growing Briers, Vpon whose leaues are drops of new-shed-blood, As fresh as mornings dew distil'd on flowers, A very fatall place it seemes to me: Speake Brother hast thou hurt thee with the fall? Martius. Oh Brother, With the dismal'st obiect That euer eye with sight made heart lament
Aron. Now will I fetch the King to finde them heere, That he thereby may haue a likely gesse, How these were they that made away his Brother.
Exit Aaron.
Marti. Why dost not comfort me and helpe me out, From this vnhallow'd and blood-stained Hole? Quintus. I am surprised with an vncouth feare, A chilling sweat ore-runs my trembling ioynts, My heart suspects more then mine eie can see
Marti. To proue thou hast a true diuining heart, Aaron and thou looke downe into this den, And see a fearefull sight of blood and death
Quintus. Aaron is gone, And my compassionate heart Will not permit mine eyes once to behold The thing whereat it trembles by surmise: Oh tell me how it is, for nere till now Was I a child to feare I know not what