Pro. And thither will I bring thee Valentine
Val. Sweet Protheus, no: Now let vs take our leaue: To Millaine let me heare from thee by Letters Of thy successe in loue; and what newes else Betideth here in absence of thy Friend: And I likewise will visite thee with mine
Pro. All happinesse bechance to thee in Millaine
Val. As much to you at home: and so farewell.
Pro. He after Honour hunts, I after Loue; He leaues his friends, to dignifie them more; I loue my selfe, my friends, and all for loue: Thou Iulia, thou hast metamorphis'd me: Made me neglect my Studies, loose my time; Warre with good counsaile; set the world at nought; Made Wit with musing, weake; hart sick with thought
Sp. Sir Protheus: 'saue you: saw you my Master?
Pro. But now he parted hence to embarque for Millain
Sp. Twenty to one then, he is ship'd already, And I haue plaid the Sheepe in loosing him
Pro. Indeede a Sheepe doth very often stray, And if the Shepheard be awhile away
Sp. You conclude that my Master is a Shepheard then, and I Sheepe?
Pro. I doe
Sp. Why then my hornes are his hornes, whether I wake or sleepe
Pro. A silly answere, and fitting well a Sheepe
Sp. This proues me still a Sheepe
Pro. True: and thy Master a Shepheard
Sp. Nay, that I can deny by a circumstance
Pro. It shall goe hard but ile proue it by another
Sp. The Shepheard seekes the Sheepe, and not the Sheepe the Shepheard; but I seeke my Master, and my Master seekes not me: therefore I am no Sheepe
Pro. The Sheepe for fodder follow the Shepheard, the Shepheard for foode followes not the Sheepe: thou for wages followest thy Master, thy Master for wages followes not thee: therefore thou art a Sheepe
Sp. Such another proofe will make me cry baa
Pro. But do'st thou heare: gau'st thou my Letter to Iulia?
Sp. I Sir: I (a lost-Mutton) gaue your Letter to her (a lac'd-Mutton) and she (a lac'd-Mutton) gaue mee (a lost-Mutton) nothing for my labour
Pro. Here's too small a Pasture for such store of Muttons
Sp. If the ground be ouer-charg'd, you were best sticke her
Pro. Nay, in that you are astray: 'twere best pound you
Sp. Nay Sir, lesse then a pound shall serue me for carrying your Letter