Cam. I haue heard (sir) of such a man, who hath a daughter of most rare note: the report of her is extended more, then can be thought to begin from such a cottage Pol. That's likewise part of my Intelligence: but (I feare) the Angle that pluckes our sonne thither. Thou shalt accompany vs to the place, where we will (not appearing what we are) haue some question with the shepheard; from whose simplicity, I thinke it not vneasie to get the cause of my sonnes resort thether. 'Prethe be my present partner in this busines, and lay aside the thoughts of Sicillia

Cam. I willingly obey your command

Pol. My best Camillo, we must disguise our selues.


Scena Tertia.

Enter Autolicus singing

When Daffadils begin to peere, With heigh the Doxy ouer the dale, Why then comes in the sweet o'the yeere, For the red blood raigns in y winters pale. The white sheete bleaching on the hedge, With hey the sweet birds, O how they sing: Doth set my pugging tooth an edge, For a quart of Ale is a dish for a King. The Larke, that tirra Lyra chaunts, With heigh, the Thrush and the Iay: Are Summer songs for me and my Aunts While we lye tumbling in the hay. I haue seru'd Prince Florizell, and in my time wore three pile, but now I am out of seruice. But shall I go mourne for that (my deere) the pale Moone shines by night: And when I wander here, and there I then do most go right. If Tinkers may haue leaue to liue, and beare the Sow-skin Bowget, Then my account I well may giue, and in the Stockes auouch-it. My Trafficke is sheetes: when the Kite builds, looke to lesser Linnen. My Father nam'd me Autolicus, who being (as I am) lytter'd vnder Mercurie, was likewise a snapper-vp of vnconsidered trifles: With Dye and drab, I purchas'd this Caparison, and my Reuennew is the silly Cheate. Gallowes, and Knocke, are too powerfull on the Highway. Beating and hanging are terrors to mee: For the life to come, I sleepe out the thought of it. A prize, a prize. Enter Clowne.

Clo. Let me see, euery Leauen-weather toddes, euery tod yeeldes pound and odde shilling: fifteene hundred shorne, what comes the wooll too? Aut. If the sprindge hold, the Cocke's mine

Clo. I cannot do't without Compters. Let mee see, what am I to buy for our Sheepe-shearing-Feast? Three pound of Sugar, fiue pound of Currence, Rice: What will this sister of mine do with Rice? But my father hath made her Mistris of the Feast, and she layes it on. Shee hath made-me four and twenty Nose-gayes for the shearers (three-man song-men, all, and very good ones) but they are most of them Meanes and Bases; but one Puritan amongst them, and he sings Psalmes to horne-pipes. I must haue Saffron to colour the Warden Pies, Mace: Dates, none: that's out of my note: Nutmegges, seuen; a Race or two of Ginger, but that I may begge: Foure pound of Prewyns, and as many of Reysons o'th Sun

Aut. Oh, that euer I was borne

Clo. I'th' name of me

Aut. Oh helpe me, helpe mee: plucke but off these ragges: and then, death, death

Clo. Alacke poore soule, thou hast need of more rags to lay on thee, rather then haue these off

Aut. Oh sir, the loathsomnesse of them offend mee, more then the stripes I haue receiued, which are mightie ones and millions

Clo. Alas poore man, a million of beating may come to a great matter

Aut. I am rob'd sir, and beaten: my money, and apparrell tane from me, and these detestable things put vpon me

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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