Ma. Heere comes Boyet. Enter Boyet.
Prin. Now, what admittance Lord? Boyet. Nauar had notice of your faire approach; And he and his competitors in oath, Were all addrest to meete you gentle Lady Before I came: Marrie thus much I haue learnt, He rather meanes to lodge you in the field, Like one that comes heere to besiege his Court, Then seeke a dispensation for his oath: To let you enter his vnpeopled house. Enter Nauar, Longauill, Dumaine, and Berowne.
Heere comes Nauar
Nau. Faire Princesse, welcom to the Court of Nauar
Prin. Faire I giue you backe againe, and welcome I haue not yet: the roofe of this Court is too high to bee yours, and welcome to the wide fields, too base to be mine
Nau. You shall be welcome Madam to my Court
Prin. I wil be welcome then, Conduct me thither
Nau. Heare me deare Lady, I haue sworne an oath
Prin. Our Lady helpe my Lord, he'll be forsworne
Nau. Not for the world faire Madam, by my will
Prin. Why, will shall breake it will, and nothing els
Nau. Your Ladiship is ignorant what it is
Prin. Were my Lord so, his ignorance were wise, Where now his knowledge must proue ignorance. I heare your grace hath sworne out House-keeping: 'Tis deadly sinne to keepe that oath my Lord, And sinne to breake it: But pardon me, I am too sodaine bold, To teach a Teacher ill beseemeth me. Vouchsafe to read the purpose of my comming, And sodainly resolue me in my suite
Nau. Madam, I will, if sodainly I may
Prin. You will the sooner that I were away, For you'll proue periur'd if you make me stay
Berow. Did not I dance with you in Brabant once? Rosa. Did not I dance with you in Brabant once? Ber. I know you did
Rosa. How needlesse was it then to ask the question? Ber. You must not be so quicke
Rosa. 'Tis long of you y spur me with such questions
Ber. Your wit's too hot, it speeds too fast, 'twill tire
Rosa. Not till it leaue the Rider in the mire
Ber. What time a day? Rosa. The howre that fooles should aske
Ber. Now faire befall your maske
Rosa. Faire fall the face it couers
Ber. And send you many louers
Rosa. Amen, so you be none
Ber. Nay then will I be gone
Kin. Madame, your father heere doth intimate, The paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes, Being but th' one halfe, of an intire summe, Disbursed by my father in his warres. But say that he, or we, as neither haue Receiu'd that summe; yet there remaines vnpaid A hundred thousand more: in surety of the which, One part of Aquitaine is bound to vs, Although not valued to the moneys worth. If then the King your father will restore But that one halfe which is vnsatisfied, We will giue vp our right in Aquitaine, And hold faire friendship with his Maiestie: But that it seemes he little purposeth, For here he doth demand to haue repaie, An hundred thousand Crownes, and not demands One paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes, To haue his title liue in Aquitaine. Which we much rather had depart withall, And haue the money by our father lent, Then Aquitane, so guelded as it is. Deare Princesse, were not his requests so farre From reasons yeelding, your faire selfe should make A yeelding 'gainst some reason in my brest, And goe well satisfied to France againe