Yor. And yet forsooth she is a Virgin pure. Strumpet, thy words condemne thy Brat, and thee. Vse no intreaty, for it is in vaine

Pu. Then lead me hence: with whom I leaue my curse. May neuer glorious Sunne reflex his beames Vpon the Countrey where you make abode: But darknesse, and the gloomy shade of death Inuiron you, till Mischeefe and Dispaire, Driue you to break your necks, or hang your selues.


Enter Cardinall.

Yorke. Breake thou in peeces, and consume to ashes, Thou fowle accursed minister of Hell

Car. Lord Regent, I do greete your Excellence With Letters of Commission from the King. For know my Lords, the States of Christendome, Mou'd with remorse of these out-ragious broyles, Haue earnestly implor'd a generall peace, Betwixt our Nation, and the aspyring French; And heere at hand, the Dolphin and his Traine Approacheth, to conferre about some matter

Yorke. Is all our trauell turn'd to this effect, After the slaughter of so many Peeres, So many Captaines, Gentlemen, and Soldiers, That in this quarrell haue beene ouerthrowne, And sold their bodyes for their Countryes benefit, Shall we at last conclude effeminate peace? Haue we not lost most part of all the Townes, By Treason, Falshood, and by Treacherie, Our great Progenitors had conquered: Oh Warwicke, Warwicke, I foresee with greefe The vtter losse of all the Realme of France

War. Be patient Yorke, if we conclude a Peace It shall be with such strict and seuere Couenants, As little shall the Frenchmen gaine thereby. Enter Charles, Alanson, Bastard, Reignier.

Char. Since Lords of England, it is thus agreed, That peacefull truce shall be proclaim'd in France, We come to be informed by your selues, What the conditions of that league must be

Yorke. Speake Winchester, for boyling choller chokes The hollow passage of my poyson'd voyce, By sight of these our balefull enemies

Win. Charles, and the rest, it is enacted thus: That in regard King Henry giues consent, Of meere compassion, and of lenity, To ease your Countrie of distressefull Warre, And suffer you to breath in fruitfull peace, You shall become true Liegemen to his Crowne. And Charles, vpon condition thou wilt sweare To pay him tribute, and submit thy selfe, Thou shalt be plac'd as Viceroy vnder him, And still enioy thy Regall dignity

Alan. Must he be then as shadow of himselfe? Adorne his Temples with a Coronet, And yet in substance and authority, Retaine but priuiledge of a priuate man? This proffer is absurd, and reasonlesse

Char. 'Tis knowne already that I am possest With more then halfe the Gallian Territories, And therein reuerenc'd for their lawfull King. Shall I for lucre of the rest vn-vanquisht, Detract so much from that prerogatiue, As to be call'd but Viceroy of the whole? No Lord Ambassador, Ile rather keepe That which I haue, than coueting for more Be cast from possibility of all

Yorke. Insulting Charles, hast thou by secret meanes Vs'd intercession to obtaine a league, And now the matter growes to compremize, Stand'st thou aloofe vpon Comparison. Either accept the Title thou vsurp'st, Of benefit proceeding from our King, And not of any challenge of Desert, Or we will plague thee with incessant Warres

Reig. My Lord, you do not well in obstinacy, To cauill in the course of this Contract: If once it be neglected, ten to one We shall not finde like opportunity

Alan. To say the truth, it is your policie, To saue your Subiects from such massacre And ruthlesse slaughters as are dayly seene By our proceeding in Hostility, And therefore take this compact of a Truce, Although you breake it, when your pleasure serues

War. How sayst thou Charles? Shall our Condition stand? Char. It Shall: Onely reseru'd, you claime no interest In any of our Townes of Garrison

Yor. Then sweare Allegeance to his Maiesty, As thou art Knight, neuer to disobey, Nor be Rebellious to the Crowne of England, Thou nor thy Nobles, to the Crowne of England. So, now dismisse your Army when ye please: Hang vp your Ensignes, let your Drummes be still, For heere we entertaine a solemne peace.


William Shakespeare
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