Pr.Edw. To Edward, but not to the English King
Marg. Deceitfull Warwicke, it was thy deuice, By this alliance to make void my suit: Before thy comming, Lewis was Henries friend
Lewis. And still is friend to him, and Margaret. But if your Title to the Crowne by weake, As may appeare by Edwards good successe: Then 'tis but reason, that I be releas'd From giuing ayde, which late I promised. Yet shall you haue all kindnesse at my hand, That your Estate requires, and mine can yeeld
Warw. Henry now liues in Scotland, at his ease; Where hauing nothing, nothing can he lose. And as for you your selfe (our quondam Queene) You haue a Father able to maintaine you, And better 'twere, you troubled him, then France
Mar. Peace impudent, and shamelesse Warwicke, Proud setter vp, and puller downe of Kings, I will not hence, till with my Talke and Teares (Both full of Truth) I make King Lewis behold Thy slye conueyance, and thy Lords false loue,
Post blowing a horne Within.
For both of you are Birds of selfe-same Feather
Lewes. Warwicke, this is some poste to vs, or thee. Enter the Poste.
Post. My Lord Ambassador, These Letters are for you.
Speakes to Warwick,
Sent from your Brother Marquesse Montague. These from our King, vnto your Maiesty.
To Lewis.
And Madam, these for you:
To Margaret
From whom, I know not.
They all reade their Letters.
Oxf. I like it well, that our faire Queene and Mistris Smiles at her newes, while Warwicke frownes at his
Prince Ed. Nay marke how Lewis stampes as he were netled. I hope, all's for the best
Lew. Warwicke, what are thy Newes? And yours, faire Queene
Mar. Mine such, as fill my heart with vnhop'd ioyes
War. Mine full of sorrow, and hearts discontent
Lew. What? has your King married the Lady Grey? And now to sooth your Forgery, and his, Sends me a Paper to perswade me Patience? Is this th' Alliance that he seekes with France? Dare he presume to scorne vs in this manner? Mar. I told your Maiesty as much before: This proueth Edwards Loue, and Warwickes honesty
War. King Lewis, I heere protest in sight of heauen, And by the hope I haue of heauenly blisse, That I am cleere from this misdeed of Edwards; No more my King, for he dishonors me, But most himselfe, if he could see his shame. Did I forget, that by the House of Yorke My Father came vntimely to his death? Did I let passe th' abuse done to my Neece? Did I impale him with the Regall Crowne? Did I put Henry from his Natiue Right? And am I guerdon'd at the last, with Shame? Shame on himselfe, for my Desert is Honor. And to repaire my Honor lost for him, I heere renounce him, and returne to Henry. My Noble Queene, let former grudges passe, And henceforth, I am thy true Seruitour: I will reuenge his wrong to Lady Bona, And replant Henry in his former state
Mar. Warwicke, These words haue turn'd my Hate, to Loue, And I forgiue, and quite forget old faults, And ioy that thou becom'st King Henries Friend
War. So much his Friend, I, his Vnfained Friend, That if King Lewis vouchsafe to furnish vs With some few Bands of chosen Soldiours, Ile vndertake to Land them on our Coast, And force the Tyrant from his seat by Warre. 'Tis not his new-made Bride shall succour him. And as for Clarence, as my Letters tell me, Hee's very likely now to fall from him, For matching more for wanton Lust, then Honor, Or then for strength and safety of our Country