Pom. I shall do well: The people loue me, and the Sea is mine; My powers are Cressent, and my Auguring hope Sayes it will come to'th' full. Marke Anthony In Egypt sits at dinner, and will make No warres without doores. Caesar gets money where He looses hearts: Lepidus flatters both, Of both is flatter'd: but he neither loues, Nor either cares for him
Mene. Caesar and Lepidus are in the field, A mighty strength they carry
Pom. Where haue you this? 'Tis false
Mene. From Siluius, Sir
Pom. He dreames: I know they are in Rome together Looking for Anthony: but all the charmes of Loue, Salt Cleopatra soften thy wand lip, Let Witchcraft ioyne with Beauty, Lust with both, Tye vp the Libertine in a field of Feasts, Keepe his Braine fuming. Epicurean Cookes, Sharpen with cloylesse sawce his Appetite, That sleepe and feeding may prorogue his Honour, Euen till a Lethied dulnesse- Enter Varrius.
How now Varrius? Var. This is most certaine, that I shall deliuer: Marke Anthony is euery houre in Rome Expected. Since he went from Egypt, 'tis A space for farther Trauaile
Pom. I could haue giuen lesse matter A better eare. Menas, I did not thinke This amorous Surfetter would haue donn'd his Helme For such a petty Warre: His Souldiership Is twice the other twaine: But let vs reare The higher our Opinion, that our stirring Can from the lap of Egypts Widdow, plucke The neere Lust-wearied Anthony
Mene. I cannot hope, Caesar and Anthony shall well greet together; His Wife that's dead, did trespasses to Caesar, His Brother wan'd vpon him, although I thinke Not mou'd by Anthony
Pom. I know not Menas, How lesser Enmities may giue way to greater, Were't not that we stand vp against them all: 'Twer pregnant they should square between themselues, For they haue entertained cause enough To draw their swords: but how the feare of vs May Ciment their diuisions, and binde vp The petty difference, we yet not know: Bee't as our Gods will haue't; it onely stands Our liues vpon, to vse our strongest hands Come Menas.
Enter Enobarbus and Lepidus.
Lep. Good Enobarbus, 'tis a worthy deed, And shall become you well, to intreat your Captaine To soft and gentle speech
Enob. I shall intreat him To answer like himselfe: if Caesar moue him, Let Anthony looke ouer Caesars head, And speake as lowd as Mars. By Iupiter, Were I the wearer of Anthonio's Beard, I would not shaue't to day
Lep. 'Tis not a time for priuate stomacking
Eno. Euery time serues for the matter that is then borne in't
Lep. But small to greater matters must giue way
Eno. Not if the small come first
Lep. Your speech is passion: but pray you stirre No Embers vp. Heere comes the Noble Anthony. Enter Anthony and Ventidius.
Eno. And yonder Caesar. Enter Caesar, Mecenas, and Agrippa.
Ant. If we compose well heere, to Parthia: Hearke Ventidius
Caesar. I do not know Mecenas, aske Agrippa
Lep. Noble Friends: That which combin'd vs was most great, and let not A leaner action rend vs. What's amisse, May it be gently heard. When we debate Our triuiall difference loud, we do commit Murther in healing wounds. Then Noble Partners, The rather for I earnestly beseech, Touch you the sowrest points with sweetest tearmes, Nor curstnesse grow to'th' matter
Ant. 'Tis spoken well: Were we before our Armies, and to fight, I should do thus. Flourish.
Caes Welcome to Rome
Ant. Thanke you
Caes Sit
Ant. Sit sir
Caes Nay then
Ant. I learne, you take things ill, which are not so: Or being, concerne you not