Soul. You keepe by Land the Legions and the Horse whole, do you not? Ven. Marcus Octauius, Marcus Iusteus, Publicola, and Celius, are for Sea: But we keepe whole by Land. This speede of Caesars Carries beyond beleefe
Soul. While he was yet in Rome, His power went out in such distractions, As beguilde all Spies
Cam. Who's his Lieutenant, heare you? Soul. They say, one Towrus
Cam. Well, I know the man. Enter a Messenger.
Mes. The Emperor cals Camidius
Cam. With Newes the times with Labour, And throwes forth each minute, some.
Enter Caesar with his Army, marching.
Caes Towrus? Tow. My Lord
Caes Strike not by Land, Keepe whole, prouoke not Battaile Till we haue done at Sea. Do not exceede The Prescript of this Scroule: Our fortune lyes Vpon this iumpe. Enter.
Enter Anthony, and Enobarbus.
Ant. Set we our Squadrons on yond side o'th' Hill, In eye of Caesars battaile, from which place We may the number of the Ships behold, And so proceed accordingly. Enter.
Camidius Marcheth with his Land Army one way ouer the stage, and Towrus the Lieutenant of Caesar the other way: After their going in, is heard the noise of a Sea fight. Alarum. Enter Enobarbus and Scarus.
Eno. Naught, naught, al naught, I can behold no longer: Thantoniad, the Egyptian Admirall, With all their sixty flye, and turne the Rudder: To see't, mine eyes are blasted. Enter Scarrus.
Scar. Gods, & Goddesses, all the whol synod of them! Eno. What's thy passion
Scar. The greater Cantle of the world, is lost With very ignorance, we haue kist away Kingdomes, and Prouinces
Eno. How appeares the Fight? Scar. On our side, like the Token'd Pestilence, Where death is sure. Yon ribaudred Nagge of Egypt, (Whom Leprosie o're-take) i'th' midst o'th' fight, When vantage like a payre of Twinnes appear'd Both as the same, or rather ours the elder; (The Breeze vpon her) like a Cow in Iune, Hoists Sailes, and flyes
Eno. That I beheld: Mine eyes did sicken at the sight, and could not Indure a further view
Scar. She once being looft, The Noble ruine of her Magicke, Anthony, Claps on his Sea-wing, and (like a doting Mallard) Leauing the Fight in heighth, flyes after her: I neuer saw an Action of such shame; Experience, Man-hood, Honor, ne're before, Did violate so it selfe
Enob. Alacke, alacke. Enter Camidius
Cam. Our Fortune on the Sea is out of breath, And sinkes most lamentably. Had our Generall Bin what he knew himselfe, it had gone well: Oh his ha's giuen example for our flight, Most grossely by his owne
Enob. I, are you thereabouts? Why then goodnight indeede
Cam. Toward Peloponnesus are they fled
Scar. 'Tis easie toot, And there I will attend what further comes
Camid. To Caesar will I render My Legions and my Horse, sixe Kings alreadie Shew me the way of yeelding
Eno. Ile yet follow The wounded chance of Anthony, though my reason Sits in the winde against me. Enter Anthony with Attendants.
Ant. Hearke, the Land bids me tread no more vpon't, It is asham'd to beare me. Friends, come hither, I am so lated in the world, that I Haue lost my way for euer. I haue a shippe, Laden with Gold, take that, diuide it: flye, And make your peace with Caesar
Omnes. Fly? Not wee