Giue me thy hand, To this great Faiery, Ile commend thy acts, Make her thankes blesse thee. Oh thou day o'th' world, Chaine mine arm'd necke, leape thou, Attyre and all Through proofe of Harnesse to my heart, and there Ride on the pants triumphing

Cleo. Lord of Lords. Oh infinite Vertue, comm'st thou smiling from The worlds great snare vncaught

Ant. Mine Nightingale, We haue beate them to their Beds. What Gyrle, though gray Do somthing mingle with our yonger brown, yet ha we A Braine that nourishes our Nerues, and can Get gole for gole of youth. Behold this man, Commend vnto his Lippes thy fauouring hand, Kisse it my Warriour: He hath fought to day, As if a God in hate of Mankinde, had Destroyed in such a shape

Cleo. Ile giue thee Friend An Armour all of Gold: it was a Kings

Ant. He has deseru'd it, were it Carbunkled Like holy Phoebus Carre. Giue me thy hand, Through Alexandria make a iolly March, Beare our hackt Targets, like the men that owe them. Had our great Pallace the capacity To Campe this hoast, we all would sup together, And drinke Carowses to the next dayes Fate Which promises Royall perill, Trumpetters With brazen dinne blast you the Citties eare, Make mingle with our ratling Tabourines, That heauen and earth may strike their sounds together, Applauding our approach.


Enter a Centerie, and his Company, Enobarbus followes.

Cent. If we be not releeu'd within this houre, We must returne to'th' Court of Guard: the night Is shiny, and they say, we shall embattaile By'th' second houre i'th' Morne

1.Watch. This last day was a shrew'd one too's

Enob. Oh beare me witnesse night

2 What man is this? 1 Stand close, and list him

Enob. Be witnesse to me (O thou blessed Moone) When men reuolted shall vpon Record Beare hatefull memory: poore Enobarbus did Before thy face repent

Cent. Enobarbus? 2 Peace: Hearke further

Enob. Oh Soueraigne Mistris of true Melancholly, The poysonous dampe of night dispunge vpon me, That Life, a very Rebell to my will, May hang no longer on me. Throw my heart Against the flint and hardnesse of my fault, Which being dried with greefe, will breake to powder, And finish all foule thoughts. Oh Anthony, Nobler then my reuolt is Infamous, Forgiue me in thine owne particular, But let the world ranke me in Register A Master leauer, and a fugitiue: Oh Anthony! Oh Anthony! 1 Let's speake to him

Cent. Let's heare him, for the things he speakes May concerne Caesar

2 Let's do so; but he sleepes

Cent. Swoonds rather, for so bad a Prayer as his Was neuer yet for sleepe

1 Go we to him

2 Awake sir, awake, speake to vs

1 Heare you sir? Cent. The hand of death hath raught him.

Drummes afarre off.

Hearke the Drummes demurely wake the sleepers: Let vs beare him to'th' Court of Guard: he is of note: Our houre is fully out

2 Come on then, he may recouer yet.


Enter Anthony and Scarrus, with their Army.

Ant. Their preparation is to day by Sea, We please them not by Land

Scar. For both, my Lord

Ant. I would they'ld fight i'th' Fire, or i'th' Ayre, Wee'ld fight there too. But this it is, our Foote Vpon the hilles adioyning to the Citty Shall stay with vs. Order for Sea is giuen, They haue put forth the Hauen: Where their appointment we may best discouer, And looke on their endeuour.


Enter Caesar, and his Army.

Caes But being charg'd, we will be still by Land, Which as I tak't we shall, for his best force Is forth to Man his Gallies. To the Vales, And hold our best aduantage.

William Shakespeare
Classic Literature Library

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