Brut. Let 'em enter: They are the Faction. O Conspiracie, Sham'st thou to shew thy dang'rous Brow by Night, When euills are most free? O then, by day Where wilt thou finde a Cauerne darke enough, To maske thy monstrous Visage? Seek none Conspiracie, Hide it in Smiles, and Affabilitie: For if thou path thy natiue semblance on, Not Erebus it selfe were dimme enough, To hide thee from preuention. Enter the Conspirators, Cassius, Caska, Decius, Cinna, Metellus, and Trebonius.
Cass. I thinke we are too bold vpon your Rest: Good morrow Brutus, doe we trouble you? Brut. I haue beene vp this howre, awake all Night: Know I these men, that come along with you? Cass. Yes, euery man of them; and no man here But honors you: and euery one doth wish, You had but that opinion of your selfe, Which euery Noble Roman beares of you. This is Trebonius
Brut. He is welcome hither
Cass. This, Decius Brutus
Brut. He is welcome too
Cass. This, Caska; this, Cinna; and this, Metellus Cymber
Brut. They are all welcome. What watchfull Cares doe interpose themselues Betwixt your Eyes, and Night? Cass. Shall I entreat a word?
They whisper.
Decius. Here lyes the East: doth not the Day breake heere? Cask. No
Cin. O pardon, Sir, it doth; and yon grey Lines, That fret the Clouds, are Messengers of Day
Cask. You shall confesse, that you are both deceiu'd: Heere, as I point my Sword, the Sunne arises, Which is a great way growing on the South, Weighing the youthfull Season of the yeare. Some two moneths hence, vp higher toward the North He first presents his fire, and the high East Stands as the Capitoll, directly heere
Bru. Giue me your hands all ouer, one by one
Cas. And let vs sweare our Resolution
Brut. No, not an Oath: if not the Face of men, The sufferance of our Soules, the times Abuse; If these be Motiues weake, breake off betimes, And euery man hence, to his idle bed: So let high-sighted-Tyranny range on, Till each man drop by Lottery. But if these (As I am sure they do) beare fire enough To kindle Cowards, and to steele with valour The melting Spirits of women. Then Countrymen, What neede we any spurre, but our owne cause To pricke vs to redresse? What other Bond, Then secret Romans, that haue spoke the word, And will not palter? And what other Oath, Then Honesty to Honesty ingag'd, That this shall be, or we will fall for it. Sweare Priests and Cowards, and men Cautelous Old feeble Carrions, and such suffering Soules That welcome wrongs: Vnto bad causes, sweare Such Creatures as men doubt; but do not staine The euen vertue of our Enterprize, Nor th' insuppressiue Mettle of our Spirits, To thinke, that or our Cause, or our Performance Did neede an Oath. When euery drop of blood That euery Roman beares, and Nobly beares Is guilty of a seuerall Bastardie, If he do breake the smallest Particle Of any promise that hath past from him
Cas. But what of Cicero? Shall we sound him? I thinke he will stand very strong with vs
Cask. Let vs not leaue him out
Cyn. No, by no meanes
Metel. O let vs haue him, for his Siluer haires Will purchase vs a good opinion: And buy mens voyces, to commend our deeds: It shall be sayd, his iudgement rul'd our hands, Our youths, and wildenesse, shall no whit appeare, But all be buried in his Grauity
Bru. O name him not; let vs not breake with him, For he will neuer follow any thing That other men begin