Enter Cleopatra, and Enobarbus.
Cleo. I will be euen with thee, doubt it not
Eno. But why, why, why? Cleo. Thou hast forespoke my being in these warres, And say'st it is not fit
Eno. Well: is it, is it
Cleo. If not, denounc'd against vs, why should not we be there in person
Enob. Well, I could reply: if wee should serue with Horse and Mares together, the Horse were meerly lost: the Mares would beare a Soldiour and his Horse
Cleo. What is't you say? Enob. Your presence needs must puzle Anthony, Take from his heart, take from his Braine, from's time, What should not then be spar'd. He is already Traduc'd for Leuity, and 'tis said in Rome, That Photinus an Eunuch, and your Maides Mannage this warre
Cleo. Sinke Rome, and their tongues rot That speake against vs. A Charge we beare i'th' Warre, And as the president of my Kingdome will Appeare there for a man. Speake not against it, I will not stay behinde. Enter Anthony and Camidias.
Eno. Nay I haue done, here comes the Emperor
Ant. Is it not strange Camidius, That from Tarientum, and Brandusium, He could so quickly cut the Ionian Sea, And take in Troine. You haue heard on't (Sweet?) Cleo. Celerity is neuer more admir'd, Then by the negligent
Ant. A good rebuke, Which might haue well becom'd the best of men To taunt at slacknesse. Camidius, wee Will fight with him by Sea
Cleo. By Sea, what else? Cam. Why will my Lord, do so? Ant. For that he dares vs too't
Enob. So hath my Lord, dar'd him to single fight
Cam. I, and to wage this Battell at Pharsalia, Where Caesar fought with Pompey. But these offers Which serue not for his vantage, he shakes off, And so should you
Enob. Your Shippes are not well mann'd, Your Marriners are Militers, Reapers, people Ingrost by swift Impresse. In Caesars Fleete, Are those, that often haue 'gainst Pompey fought, Their shippes are yare, yours heauy: no disgrace Shall fall you for refusing him at Sea, Being prepar'd for Land
Ant. By Sea, by Sea
Eno. Most worthy Sir, you therein throw away The absolute Soldiership you haue by Land, Distract your Armie, which doth most consist Of Warre-markt-footmen, leaue vnexecuted Your owne renowned knowledge, quite forgoe The way which promises assurance, and Giue vp your selfe meerly to chance and hazard, From firme Securitie
Ant. Ile fight at Sea
Cleo. I haue sixty Sailes, Caesar none better
Ant. Our ouer-plus of shipping will we burne, And with the rest full mann'd, from th' head of Action Beate th' approaching Caesar. But if we faile, We then can doo't at Land. Enter a Messenger.
Thy Businesse? Mes. The Newes is true, my Lord, he is descried, Caesar ha's taken Toryne
Ant. Can he be there in person? 'Tis impossible Strange, that his power should be. Camidius, Our nineteene Legions thou shalt hold by Land, And our twelue thousand Horse. Wee'l to our Ship, Away my Thetis. Enter a Soldiour.
How now worthy Souldier? Soul. Oh Noble Emperor, do not fight by Sea, Trust not to rotten plankes: Do you misdoubt This Sword, and these my Wounds; let th' Egyptians And the Phoenicians go a ducking: wee Haue vs'd to conquer standing on the earth, And fighting foot to foot
Ant. Well, well, away.
exit Ant. Cleo. & Enob
Soul. By Hercules I thinke I am i'th' right
Cam. Souldier thou art: but his whole action growes Not in the power on't: so our Leaders leade, And we are Womens mens